AC/DC Tickets - Today!

Update: Ticketing didn't necessarily go my way and I had to join the fanclub. I'm not on the floor, but a level up. Ticketmaster was a zoo this morning - 7 and 8 minute waits at some points! Good luck to all of you.
AC/DC tickets go on sale today (at least for my region)! I'll be online and ready at 10 a.m. - I think the contest for the seats will be fierce.
I'm stunned that - at least it seems - ticket prices are actually bearable for this must-see tour. I plan on attending the Columbus, Ohio show at the Schottenstein Center. Even better, my show is on a Friday night! Ticketmaster lists most seats in the $88-$95 range. We'll see what the tickets really are when I log on at ten to buy seats for me, Eric and Heather.
If you get tickets - tell me and we'll compare our seats! Glam knows I've spent enough money this week, so I didn't join the AC/DC fanclub to get a pre-sale password. This means the chances of me getting a floor seat to the show are probably slim to none. I shall update this post after ticket time.
Hooray for AC/DC!
You can buy Black Ice late next month at Wal-Mart and Sam's Club stores and the official AC/DC website. It's already on my list.
Reader Comments (11)
You know, I think you are right. I had a momentary lapse of reason here - ticket prices are way out of hand. I guess it's sad I thought 89.50 (before fees) was cheap - because, honestly, I was expecting $250 AC/DC seats.
Hope I haven't overstepped my bounds by leaving this comment; just working to let people know about what Cleveland has to offer! If you have any questions or concerns feel free to Email me :)
Cary A. Andrews
Positively Cleveland