How in the Hell Did I Miss This?

Like any morning show, the Daily Buzz has musical guests. Well, imagine my surprise when I find myself searching YouTube...and find a clip of Nelson on the Daily Buzz. I have no earthly clue why Nelson were on that show - I'm assuming to plug some sort of tour/book/shampoo...or whatever. Anyway, the brothers (band?) did a basically worthless interview after their performance. The interview does take a serious turn for about 30 seconds, but then goes quickly back to drivel - and I blame the anchors, not the Nelson twins! Please believe, the interviewers are fascinated to learn about the concept of "Scrap Metal."
...and here's "(Can't Live Without Your) Love and Affection" live from the Daily Buzz.
So, is it just me, or did you also find that interview pointless? Maybe I'm getting grouchy in my old age, but I can't help but be frustrated at the poor quality of most music-related interviews these days. The interviewers have no background information on the bands and the musicians...could basically care less. In this instance, I give the Nelson brothers credit for trying.
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