A Frank Discussion About the New KISS CD

I've wanted to review Sonic Boom for over a week now. Here's the problem: I can't get the CD to play! I bought the disc, popped it in my car and it got jammed in the player for four days. Sunday, the disc just decided to pop out, so I grabbed it and inserted the KISS Klassics CD that comes along with Sonic Boom - and this disc just skips around. We're not talking about a normal "skip" here: this is a massive, sound dropping mess. The problem isn't my car stereo, either. I tried a few different CDS, all of them played wonderfully.
Am I the only one having such KISS problems?
I swear I read on Metal Sludge that someone else was having issues with the CD quality of Sonic Boom, but now I can't find that thread. I can't return the disc because I threw away the receipt when I walked out of the evil empire, er, store. I've never had a problem with a newly purchased CD - ever. I'm afraid to put any of the KISS related Sonic Boom discs in my laptop because I don't want one of them to become jammed, or worse. At this point, I'm even afraid of trying to play the live DVD.
Could it be that KISS sunk so low with their Wal-Mart deal that they sacrificed basic quality standards? Maybe I just got a dud -- it happens. One thing is for sure, I won't be spending another 12 bucks on a new copy of Sonic Boom.
Anyone else have such problems?

Reader Comments (24)
Allyson, Wal-Mart will let you exchange the disc without the receipt for the same disc. At least the Wal-Mart here in Pittsburgh allowed me to do that with the Ace Frehley cd.
Still looking forward to the review and for Feel The Steel review!
My copy works fine. There are things I like and don't like about both the sonic boom album and the klassics disc. Overall, a 6.5/10.
The Klassics disc is another story. The older stuff sounded like it was slowed down or something, definitely inferior to the original.
The DVD, eh. I loved seeing the band in concert a decade ago, but the DVD is boring. Sorry, just my opinion.
I finally got to see them live this week and it was quite the show. They played a lot of *really* old stuff that I did not know, and I thought the new stuff sounded as good as the very early stuff.
The Klassics CD is weak, it is like a watered-down version of the old tunes, and they don't quite sing as well these days. I think bands are re-recording a lot of old songs because this way they own the masters and get more royalties from them. That is the only reason to do it, I can't think of any that sound better now than before, although Journey comes the closest.