So Hell Froze Over

Before we talk Glam, I need to spend 12 seconds talking about the Balloon Boy. Seriously? Did you all watch the news yesterday? A six year old supposedly floating away over Colorado in his father's homemade UFO-like flying machine. The kid was never in the balloon and was found safe in his garage. Of course, he wasn't found until after the damn police and military were mobilized. Watching the flying UFO "carrying the boy" was the craziest news footage I've seen in a long, long time.
Now, the Glam and the hell freezing over part: Dokken and Lynch Mob will play a show together. Seriously. The two bands will share a stage at the House of Blues in Anaheim, California. The show is scheduled for November 29 - Thanksgiving weekend. Tickets are on sale now.
Would it be wrong to take bets on how long the show lasts? Three songs? I'm a little skeptical it will even come off, but sometimes a binding contract helps push things along. I'm not seeing a full fledged tour off this, but I bet both bands could make some decent coin traveling around together and we are in a recession...and everyone needs some extra cash these days.
So, what do we think? Will the Dokken/Lynch Mob show be a success or failure of epic proportions? If I had the money and time, I'd fly to California just to witness this event. I feel it's going to be something to see.
Reader Comments (8)
George needs to get back in Dokken in my opinion.
2) Betcha George joins Don on stage or vice-versa in Anaheim during an encore. I wonder what song(s) it would be? "It's Not Love"?, "Dream Warriors"?