Badlands Could Reform with Adam Lambert on Vocals

Last night on American Idol, resident rocker and my favorite contestant Adam Lambert performed (what I consider to be) the most unique version of Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire" in the history of recorded music.
In short, he owned everyone. Sure, there are plenty of teenyboppers on the Internet freaking out because they didn't understand the performance or appreciate the complexity of the arrangement. The judges didn't love it, either. No matter. I'm here to tell you right now, Lambert no longer needs American Idol. In fact, it might be better if he gets voted off tonight so he can front a Metal band and save rock music.
Did I not mention it was "country night?" I reiterate: Bloody. Hell. Lambert took his country assignment and basically flipped a middle finger to the producers of AI.
In short, Lambert's voice is freaking perfect for Badlands. That is, if he wants to work with established musicians. His range is so out of this world, Adam Lambert can mop the floor with just about any Glam singer on the scene today. If you don't agree with my Badlands choice, who do you think Adam could resurrect - or save?
I swear, the prospect of his voice over top some pounding drums and a raging guitar solo gives me goosebumps.
Just to's Badlands, "High Wire."
...and in the event you've never heard Johnny Cash sing "Ring of Fire," here it is:
Reader Comments (46)
Bring it on Adam - bring REAL singing back!!
But Simon Cowell is such a twit. SERIOUSLY.
His voice is quite good. Not sure if Badlands is looking to reunite, though.
As for Daughtry, he has some good songs but is incredibly boring live based on the cable TV performance I suffered through. All these singers should watch the videos Allyson posts and take notes!
Last week for the Michael Jackson week when he did Black Or was amazing! I can't find a video of the live version, which is better, but here's the studio version.
This guy has a... "unique" voice. He's got a lot of power and certainly has great high end range; can't say anything about his lower register though as this is the first I've heard of him. Nice look, but I'll bet the cheaper, dirtier version was cooler than the "Go to Hot Topic. NOW." look.
I have to say, though, that I'm not a big fan of the super breathy, almost tranny-sounding stuff he works.
Overall, I definately give the guy his props; I do think he'll do well on AI. God, I HOPE he doesn't win though so he can have a shot at a career instead of being stuck with the branding.
He's not the savior of this genre by any means, though... And, Allyson, sorry but I just couldn't see him fronting a band like Badlands. He doesn't impress me as overly manly.
God, what happened to men that sang with some balls?