Vince Neil Attends American Idol Taping; Adam Lambert Shines; Hug a Tree

It’s hard to believe but Carrie Underwood’s version of “Home Sweet Home” has outsold the original. Yep. Carrie has moved more units of the American Idol farewell song than our Motley Crue boys.
"Home Sweet Home" is on Theatre of Pain and has been available for purchase for more than two decades. Carrie’s version has been out on iTunes a couple months. Don’t shoot the messenger, kids. This news come via Blabbermouth, who snatched it from the New York Post ...who lifted it from Nielsen Soundscan. Whew! According to Nielsen, Carrie’s version has sold 211,000 digital copies to 181,000 of the original. (Digital being the key to all of this).
Mock American Idol all you want. Vince Neil was live in the audience last night. He was smiling and it looked like he was having a great time. I was excited when I saw him and his wife! I wish there was more time in the broadcast – I feel like Ryan Seacrest could have interviewed Vince.
I can’t help but wonder – with the power of American Idol – could any remade Motley tune that is featured on the show be a massive hit? I think so. A Motley Crue themed night would be great! I might be the only person in America excited – but I’d be so happy; I’d roll around on the floor a little bit, flashing the devil horns. The cheesier the better, baby!
As per usual, Adam Lambert was great. No, he didn’t sing a rock song this week. The theme was disco and he took a fast song and made it a ballad. I know, he’s genius. My beloved Adam sang "If I Can't Have You." It just proved once again that he can sing anything. I’m holding out hope for that Glam power ballad. When that happens - you’ll hear me screech.
Oh, and since we’re talking about Adam Lambert – watch the little promo Fox made him record for earth day. That’s right, it’s earth day, so go hug a tree, recycle and carpool.
Reader Comments (15)
I have to give Carrie Underpants some credit because Country is her thing and she does it very well. Same thing for that Daughtery guy but I don't like the music. It's nice that all these famous tunes get some exposure, and I hope it helps with sales for the original artists, but a lot of these people that are on this show aren't that talented. Better singers than me of course.
As far as the Crue song, only 30,000 digital downloads separate the two, hardly a major success but it does line the Crue's pockets so I'm glad for that. I say no to a Crue night, nothing would be worse than one of the most dangerous L.A. bands from the '80s being featured on the safest mainstream show on TV.
Just my 2 cents.....
Heavy Metal Addiction
In my opinion a Crüe night on AI would be the ultimate sell-out.
Even though she has sold more digital copies theater of pain is more succesful!
and i say vince too! ha it was amazing the show came on and im like omg! thats vince neil!
I wish they would have sommething about him but oh well!
Still... if enough dump trucks full of money start arriving at their homes, I think anything is possible.
another note of interest about HSH: Back in the day, it was the MTV video of the day for so many days in a row that MTV finally decided to go AGAINST the vote and put the No. 2 voted video that trailed Home Sweet Sweet at No. 1 just to make the show more interesting ... No other song ever had that effect on the MTV audience.
Dial MTV! I watched and voted religiously! I even remember the Top 4:
1. Home Sweet Home
2. Shot In The Dark (Ozzy)
3. Tears Are Falling (KISS)
4. In My Dreams (Dokken)
I wish I could remember #5 because it traded spots with Dokken everyday. There were 2 days I remember vividly: the day Ozzy took the #1 slot and the day KISS took it. It was like 2 mini revolutions because the support the Crue had was overwhelming, thats why they changed all the rules and "retired" videos.
What I miss most is the Friday Night Video Fights, how did The Reflex beat out both Photograph and Jump?
Heavy Metal Addiction
Not taking away from Carrie Underwood, she also does a pretty great version of "I Remember You"
Of course there are the usual knucklehead detractors whining that another crap country singer RUINS a glam metal classic...they would be wrong. She may have just opened up the hayseeds to rock.
And I've just found that Matt Heafy of Florida metallers TRIVIUM is a huge Adam fan.
"I'm such an adam lambert fangirl now. he fucking rocked."