'American Idol' Final Competition Tonight – Vote for Adam!

Guess what? Josh Todd of Buckcherry loves Adam Lambert and I bet he’d want you to vote for Adam tonight! Read my article about Josh and Adam by clicking here.
Tonight is the final “sing off” on American Idol season 8, featuring Adam Lambert and Kris Allen. I’m sure Kris is a great guy. He even has some talent and seems to love acoustic guitar. That said, he’s way out of his league here and Adam deserves to win. Voter complacency will help Kris win because everyone thinks Adam has the competition locked up – not so - you need to vote!
Adam lost the coin toss, so he’s performing first. Both contestants will do three songs each: a reprise performance (which sucks, but whatever), a producer’s choice and the official American Idol single. Adam’s number to vote will be 1–866–IDOLS-01, 1–866–IDOLS-03 or 1–866–IDOLS-05. The call is free.
I fully expect each and every one of you to vote at least once for Adam if for no other reason but to piss off Kris fans. Pissing people off is Metal, right? Look, I support all musicians to a point, but the time has come to choose sides and Adam has a rock voice and can really make a go of it in the music world. I don’t care that I’m being totally biased at this point. Just vote for Adam. Don’t make me cry.
American Idol airs tonight at 8 pm ET on Fox. Following the show, phone lines will be open four hours = plenty time to vote.
Photo credit: Adam Lambert, no copyright assumed.

Reader Comments (16)
That being said, I voted for Adam. Hell of a singer, gonna make another great Broadway performer. :)
LoSt BoY
"Sarcasm"now THAT'S metal LOL Love your site
I am talking about "No Boundaries" co-written by Kara.
Here are sample lyrics from the song. For the record "With every step you climb another mountain/With every breath it's harder to believe/You make it through the pain/Weather every hurricane/To get to that one place."
Worst song ever.
I do like the attempt at getting people to vote for Adam on American Idol would somehow be "metal" though. Good read