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Kix at Rams Head Live Baltimore - Live Review

I've seen Kix live lots of times and I think club shows are better than festival gigs because of the time allotted and the varied set.

Kix played Rams Head Live in Baltimore Saturday night to a sold out crowd and (naturally) I was there. 

I'd have to say this show rivals the Rocklahoma '08 performance for the best Kix concert I've ever attended. Best of all, the band performed "Tear Down the Walls," one of my all-time fave Kix tunes that isn't played during festival shows. During "Tear," Steve Whiteman played the acoustic guitar. The set was mixed-up order wise, with "Don't Close Your Eyes" coming as the encore right before "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah."

So what else was played? "Midnite Dynamite," "Blow My Fuse," "Girl Money," "Cold Chills,""Poison," "The Itch," "Sex," "She Dropped Me The Bomb" and more - not necessarily in that order. For whatever reason, the band was especially tight and seemed to play with a renewed energy. The packed house probably didn't hurt, but it was almost as if Kix were playing for each other and not for the fans.

The next time you go to a show, watch the faces of the musicians closely. You can tell if they are happy, annoyed or bored. Every member of Kix looked generally happy to be on stage - you can't fake that - and it comes through in the performance. It stands true in live performance as with all things in life: if you're happy with your job, you excel. At about the same time I watched both Ronnie Younkins and Mark Schenker actually smile at their fans from a very genuine place, I realized Kix is honestly my favorite live band - bar none.

After "Don't Close Your Eyes," guitarist Brian Forsythe had an amp issue, causing Steve to vamp. Earlier in the show, Steve explained that he'd hurt his back at the gym, was in pain, and  wouldn't be jumping around much. Despite his warning, he continued to jump and kick like a madman as he normally does. I'm not sure how someone with a back injury moves like Steve - but he sure is entertaining.


A few weeks ago, Kix opened for Judas Priest at Merriweather Post Pavilion in Baltimore. During that show, Steve  told the crowd that he would do the Rams Head encore in his underwear if the show sold out. During "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah," Steve came out in a green tube dress instead: still an ample way to celebrate the capacity crowd. The "rap" was gender adjusted for "Stevette." It was cool seeing "Yeah" presented in a new way and the other Kix faithful seemed to dig it too.

Kix will play more shows before the year is up. Check for more information.


Reader Comments (3)

Awesome show as ALWAYS !!! Merry KIX-mas is coming soon. That'll be six times for Kix in two years.
September 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDamnp78
Of all the bands that have made the "comeback" and are running with the glam revolution, KIX is the freshest and don't appear to have missed a step.
September 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJB
Perfect review. I completely agree. Since my wife and I were standing right next to Allyson and her husband, 5 feet from the stage, we can attest that the band was relaxed, in sync and generally having a blast.
I loved hearing the new songs, especially after seeing them in May at M3, July at ROK, August with JP, and now September for the annual Rams Head show. Definitely one of their best shows.
They truly bring it every time over the past 3 years. There is nothing more fun than a Kix show.
September 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenternirVrana

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