Baby, It's Cold Outside - I Need to Pass the Time

Winter comes every year to Ohio. You'd think I'd be used to it by now, but I'm not. Truth is, I'm not engineered for cold weather. The snow sucks, I hate driving in it and the cold makes my joints ache. Basically, I despise winter and every time it snows I shake my fist at the sky - seriously. The colder and nastier it gets, the more I long for the summer or a warm getaway. Taking a vacation right now isn't an option, so this has left me lots (read: tons) of time to daydream about summer. Naturally, my summer revolves around concert season. So, I'm a daydream believer, pondering all the possible lineups and making myself a little giddy. I sort of love to pick the lineups before they are announced. I make bets with my husband: "I bet XX will play!" I'm usually pretty accurate, but that might not be fair, all things considered. My football season is over since I follow the Cincinnati Bengals and they sort of choked on Saturday. So my [extreme longshot!] Super Bowl dream is dead. American Idol starts tomorrow night, so that's some cheap, free entertainment but the show will probably suck post-Adam Lambert and without Paula Abdul. There are not many tours happening right now. A couple bands are headed to Ohio over the next few weeks including The Last Vegas, Bang Tango and Rhino Bucket (no, these bands are not playing together - I wish!). Also, there's word that Riverbend Music Center in Cincinnati will make its first tour announcement tomorrow. I'm sure it's Jimmy Buffett or something - but I'll retain hope it's a big, Glam act.
Really, the weather just plain gets me down this time of year. I was planning on a sunny, special getaway in March but that isn't happening now - so I don't have much to look forward to until May. There's a lot of time between now and May so I've got to find some sort of musical diversion to keep me going. I think if Motley Crue recorded a Calypso record right now, I'd be down for it - yeah, I'm that desperate!
How do you pass the bleary winter months before concert season?
Speaking of Motley...might as well play an old favorite. "Helter Skelter" (with "God Rest the Children of the Beast") - check out the cool pictures!
Reader Comments (12)
Here in Michigan I'll be seeing Hailstorm on 1/23, Shadows Fall & Five Finger Death Punch a couple days later and WASP in March.