So Who Makes Bootlegs?

Now, I know tapes aren't needed for boots - an MP3 recorder and an Internet connection and anyone can spread anything all over the world. But really, it seems like people just aren't that into concerts period these days. Maybe it's the fear of being caught, so I can't be sure. In all honesty, I've never tried to make a boot of a concert and I doubt I'd be good at it anyway. I just remember looking at websites and seeing bootlegs for like every Aerosmith concert and this just blows my mind. What if today's generation of kids isn't making bootlegs of their favorite bands? It's sort of like losing a piece of history.
Everyone already knows my opinion on the whole illegal downloading thing - I don't do it. But I sort of feel like if I want to take my MP3 recorder into a concert venue and capture a song or three, that should be okay. Notice I didn't even say anything about passing the recording around - I just think that someone out there should be keeping the bootleg hobby alive.
Maybe I'm crazy (ok, I know I'm crazy!) and people are bootlegging all around me. Heck, maybe you do it at every show. It just seems to me like the practice has gone by the wayside...and that is sort of sad. Thoughts?
Reader Comments (23)
a great place to find bootlegs is guitars101. just google band and guitars101. I've never looked for newer bands however, but alot of stuff (including Paris (pre poison)) can be found there
airbourne gig for you :)
Then again, if the band isn't going to release it, I still want to hear it, so even though I'm against it, I can't resist the temptation to do just that.
Consequently, I own about 100 or so classic bootleg records of all the 70's Stuff like Zeppelin, including "The Making of Stairway to Heaven", which is a 120 minute tape (That I assume is now on CD or available on the net, that has a series of demo's and rough takes that take you through, fairly chronologically the genesis of the song "Stairway to Heaven" from it's earliest stages to it's nearly completed final mix.
I also have vinyl bootlegs of the Who, the Stones, Aerosmith, AC/DC, Cheap Trick, Blondie and The Ramones. But mostly Zeppelin. I also have about 50 CD boots and about 40 DVD's as well as 30 or so videotapes of everyone above plus Deep Purple, Van Halen and Cal Jam I & 2 plus US Festival Metal Day and what had previously considered as the holy grail, Led Zeppelin, Seattle '77 on DVD! Killer!...
So, though I'm against it, I'll still be the first in line to buy it... Total hypocrisy... Sounds like Rock'n'Roll to me!
There are some bands (metalicca) who want the bootleggers strung up saying that they are stealing. Other bands (Kiss) encourages bootlegging their material (and have even given random audience members audio/video equipment to do so) posturing that it will ultimately benefit their capitalistic (narcissitic) ideals.
I've bootlegged mostly to capture a moment, and to share the moment with others, and ultimately say, "hey, this is what I've experienced (and since you're asking), you should experience it too.)
I've gotten a lot of grief (and I do have a few other choice words, but i'm trying to be nice) for bootlegging, imitating, fornicating (call it what you want) but again, I never profitted from it -or even tried to. But, at times, I shared it with others believing, at times, that it was for the greater good.
Total hypocrisy? no. A genuine, idealistic belief? I thought so. Others feel differently. But then you just start to believe that you're being used.
regrets? some. guilt? none apathy? a lot more than I used to. cynicism? too much for anybody endure.
is bootlegging bad? finger pointers think so, as they will start to analyze the word "profit". Then again, what came first, "what I've bootlegged or what they are singing...
honestly, who is really bootlegging
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