Fire Damages Tesla's Recording Studio
Early Thursday, a massive fire damaged the Sacramento, California recording studio owned by Brian Wheat, bass player of Tesla. The fire also caused a ton of damage to an adjacent home.
The good news, of course, is that no one was hurt. The fire happened overnight and no one was in the recording studio at the time. There were residents in the neighboring property that caught fire, but they escaped without injury.
Firefighters worked hard to salvage a lot of Tesla's memorabilia from the studio. Brian was in New York at the time, working on a record. Right now, no word on damage estimates. Here's a news report showing the flames.
Tesla will play on Shiprocked next month. I know we all wish the band well.
Reader Comments (4)
There is no question about this band's contribution to the whole Glam Metal/Hair Metal scene indelibly burned into our Headbanger's Balled brains.
It takes something like a fire to realize a promo poster or some other rare promotional artifact or better yet, something given to them by a fan, is far more valuable than a million dollars worth of state of the art recording equipment which can always be replaced.
The memories that come with the memorabilia cannot.
Let's hope they got the stuff out in time...
It just shows us, once again, be thankful for all we've got!
And Thank God when no one gets hurt!
Love, Peace and Hair Metal!