Suggestion: 'Glam Garage'

I'm impressed with all your comments of how to bring back Glam. Along those lines, longtime reader Marc wrote me an email yesterday with a great suggestion. Here's what he said:
"To help bring your community together and kept them active together perhaps offer what I would call the Glam Garage where people could sell and trade glam CDs, shirts, DVDs, autographed material, and everything related to Glam."
I think this is a great idea! Sadly, I have no idea how to do this - does anyone have any suggestions? I guess it would be a site plugin or something? I wouldn't charge any money for people to trade/buy/whatever. It would be cool to see what sort of rarities everyone has in their personal collections.
So, would you be interested in such a site addition? I can probably nag the Glam husband to make it happen - but only if there is enough interest. Leave your suggestions/opinions below.
Reader Comments (17)
And, Brilliant, Allyson, for wanting to see if you and your Bringbackglammerz can make this happen.
I for one, would be into it. I am heavily into collecting rare CDs of our favorite genre. I've been doing it for a few years and I'm pretty up on what's rare.
Sometimes, I'll upgrade something from a reissue to an original press or wind up with doubles, even triples, in some cases of a particular CD because I might have spaced out that I already have it or ordered it (Hu-uh-lo-oh! Does this really surprise anyone?).
I'm too lazy to sell on Ebay, which also charges fees to do it, but I'd be into this idea and more motivated if I knew the stuff was going to a good cause... The advancement of the appreciation of Glam Metal, beyond the surface, providing the opportunity to someone on here -- people who are into the long lost Glam Metal Gems of Yore --to own some real Glam Metal treasures from the 80's and early 90's! I would probably only have a few at a time.
If I saw it was happening, I might even order two of some rarity, if they happened to be available at the time, and putting the double up in the "Glam Garage" so someone else could get it, too.
Sometimes, you can get extras if someone runs across old "dead stock" in a warehouse and puts 'em up on Ebay or a band reissues one of their indy releases from days long ago.
I don't know if you could do this, but maybe people could put up a link to a particular CD that's up on Ebay they know is killer, but they might already have...
What a Glam Metal Mind Meld going on with our fave site of all time (even better than Huffington Post, hahaha!!!),!
WOW! Just entertaining the idea of doing it is so awesome!
p.s. Of course, then we can do the WBBG! "Radio" thing, too. Instead of a Satellite Station like HairNation, which is a little lofty, it could be part of your site, Al! Deja Vu, kid! Think of all the promos you could record! For instance, a la that vid promo you did with Dee Snyder, where he plugged, I bet you could get Vince Neil, Keifer and the boyz, McMaster, The Tesla boyz and all those other bands on Shiprocked to do Promos for WBBG! when you're on the cruise, comin' up here, Al! Then you could plug 'em in between sets, etc...
"Hi, Vince Neil! I'm not a whore even tho I sing that I am on my new album or the fact that I'm shamlessly plugging WBBG! Bring Back Glam! Online Radio. All Glam! All Metal! All The Time! WBBG!"
People could also post requests to get a song played and offer ideas for shows. You could do some interviews, Al, too! I have enough playlists to last weeks without ever repeating the exact same recording of a song, too!
Look, HairNation is great and all, but it's still formatted with a lot of repeats. Here's a chance for the real afficionado (sp) stuff to get played and heard!
And we would have a voice beyond just the printed word, though that would still be the core of the site, no doubt! WBBG! would just be the soundtrack, if you will...
Just pick a random state/city to post under, then choose a topic that has little or no postings. It could be like a secret place. All of it is anonymous when putting your post out there.
Only the Glam Clan would now where and what these posts are.
Im a little older than you at 25 but still young enough to miss the glory days of Glam and I think this is a rad idea... It may lead me to discover more bands or make me fall in love again with the ones I already love.
I am glad you like this idea. It could be great. I have so many collectibles but as time goes by some mean more to me then others and new items come into the want list. I sure hope this is something that pans out.
Lets keep it focused on Glam and the like...i have no idea how to set up a message board, but if it stays general I think it would work. Look at how many of us used ROK's, M3, and the chic whose name i won't speak... Red Bottom Shoes Christian Louboutin Ankle Boots christian louboutin sneakers Christian Louboutin Boots Sale Christian Louboutin Thigh High Boots Christian Louboutin Wedges Christian Louboutin Flats Tiffany and Co Watches for Women Tiffany and Co Earrings Christian Louboutin Chaussures