There Is Nothing Good About Hair Metal, Period

I saw a few people Tweeting about Glam last night (via the search function). A few people kept saying "There is nothing good about hair metal, period"
That statement gave me pause.
How can someone just dismiss an entire genre of anything? Surely, these people making such sweeping statements haven't heard all that Glam has to offer. Of course, some people are elitist - and Glam is routinely mocked. Mainstream media always hated our bands back in the day - and they still do. I have no doubt that constant mockery by "critics" has perpetuated the Glam stigma. So, I got to thinking, what would I say to someone that came up at me and said "There is nothing good about hair metal, period."
I think I would tell a person about my childhood memories of Glam, all the fun I've had at shows and all the friends I've made because of this website. In fact, I think I'd talk about the friendships the most. In just about every instance, I've come across people that have become friends by meeting randomly at shows, on message boards and through fan clubs. If the music wasn't good, that wouldn't happen. Sometimes it's not all about the "image" although I still believe a man with a guitar, big hair and makeup is the best. Call me a purist.
What would you say if you heard someone say "There is nothing good about hair metal, period?"
Reader Comments (27)
My opinion wont change and i dont care about if theirs do.
I give people crap about Nirvana and Nickleback and say I can't stand them...even though there are a few songs here and there that I can tolerate or even (gasp!) like. But overall, I don't like either group.
People have a tendency to exaggerate, and that's what it boils down to. But I'm sure they've bopped their head to some Van Halen, or made out to Bon Jovi at some point in their life.
Just don't tell anyone about my closet love for "All Apologies."
I would say that fundamentalists, of any stripe, are always wrong.
A high percentage of glam/hair metal in the late 80s and early 90s was put out by bands that only played in that style because it was the easiest route to MTV and a recording contract. It's exactly the same dynamic that fueled the countless grunge acts of the mid- to late 90s, nu-metal groups in the late 90s and post-punk/emo acts in the early- to mid-00s.
You can dislike the style all you like, but there is no absolute set of musical criteria that you can use to define it as "bad" in all ways or for all people. That much is just philosophic truth. But as a collection of artists and musicians, the glam/hair metal scene simply encompassed too many people of different bents, and too many diverse musical styles electrified and hairsprayed into the MTV video mold that evolved back then, to just dismiss it all as some monolithic entity.
In short, to say that "all hair metal is bad" is the same as saying "I have never really listened".
...and I would start playing my air guitar...
Believe me, I run into this all the time.
But I've also had some mindblowing experiences, also. Like being in a 24 year old chick's car and having her reach into the glove compartment and pull out Boston's first album.
I'm not worthy!
I have studied "Hair Metal" up and down now, twice. The first time around was when it was in it's absolute heyday -- 1980 to 1993 and saw a lot of the bands that got play on MTV when they were in their prime.
I also managed to snag about a thousand CDs including all the major label signings, known and not so well known, which means I picked up stuff like Johnny Crash or Rock City Angels (Snoot! I wish I could see 'em in Ft. Lauderdale but I'm hoppin' on Shiprocked the night before they play! Oh, that is killin' me!) and not just G'n'R and the like. It all started with NWOBHM and then evolved into collecting all of the L.A. stuff, etc.
This time around, beginning around two or three years ago, I began to collect in earnest literally every 80's/early 90's Hair Metal or Glam Metal CD I could get my hands on and what a ride it has been. Oh, the discoveries I have made thanks to the internet (particularly this site and, and Ebay (getting to know the 80's Hair/Glam Metal CD collectors and the sellers who cater to them).
The stuff is unreal and if people dismiss our music as a joke, they just are plain misinformed.
You guys forgot a major monster of the whole Glam Metal scene on your list of serious shredders...
George Lynch! That guy is a MONSTER!
I know a serious Rhythm & Blues guitarist who loves stuff like B.B. King, etc, who told me he could listen to George Lynch all day long. Now there's someone who get's it. Someone who realizes there is more to Hair Metal than what meets the eye like Lynch's crazy Cruella Deville meets Mrs. Brady Mullet. It's the guitar playing, stupid!
Of course, I happen to love it for the quality of the songs. Critics can scoff all they want but as some have pointed out here, the stuff is damn catchy with all the trappings of great songwriting.
People that dismiss Hair Metal are dismissing the image without really listening to the brilliance of the music. Personally, I get a kick out of every aspect of it. From the cheesy hairdos, outfits, logos, album covers to the over the top music, I love everything about it.
And no matter how outrageous the image, when you boil it down to the music, this is some incredible stuff. Take the greatest Hair Metal anthem of all time, Ratt's "Round And Round". It's got it all...
Elvis Swagger, Crunchy Guitars, Jazz Chord Progressions, Irrestistable Pop Catchiness, Superb Production and blistering musicianship, especially the scorching dual guitar intor to the lead so incredibly played by Warren DiMartini and the late Robbin Crosby.
People who don't like Hair Metal or dismiss it, simply don't get it and never will.
p.s. And, as much as I adore 80's/90's Hair/Glam, I still believe Kurt Cobain was the last great Rock Star. There has not been anyone before him as significant, accept John Lennon and there has been no one since.
I mean, c'mon... Listen to the opening hook to "Last Mile".
That rocks like Glam Metal, not "Retro Blues".
BTW, I told Trunk he was wrong about Cinderella when I ran into him at M3. He's also called 'em Blues Based Hard Rock when discussing 'em on "That Metal Show".
Hu-uh-lo-oh! Cinderella is frickin' Glam Metal, Chump!
Even the Disney packaged stuff, if it gets another kid into music period so be it. I can listen to Anthrax one minute, to Taylor Swift, Rancid the the next and then on to D'Molls and Poison. In the past month I've gone to shows of Nickelback, All Time Low, Social Distortion and am taking my little sisters to see The Summer Set, which I love in a couple of weeks.
Music is eternal regardless of type, what the person looks like, etc. To me personally there is nothing that brings back memories of a certain time in my life. Listen to whatever the heck you want and don't waste time worrying about what everyone else likes. Dig for the good stuff, it's there regardless of what's popular at the time!
P.S. On another note...listen to BAD CITY now if you love hard rock and glam music. You won't regret it. Finally, a band from the US that flys the flag with a major label! Europe has been doing it for years.
And Cobain was not the last great rock star. Just listen to him. A great rock star mixes obnoxiousness with the profound, see Morrison, Tyler et al. Cobain was purely obnoxious. And profound for 12 year old's.
'I'm a hypocrite in a hippie crypt'. I mean, are you fucking kidding me?