M3 2011 Suggestions?

It isn't even 2011 yet, but the promoters of M3 are asking for their suggestions on who should play the Glam fest next summer. There's a robust conversation going on right now on the M3 Facebook. Right now, I just want to know the date (dates?) of the event!
With a gun to my head, for a headliner I'd ask for Europe because I've never seen them and Iron Maiden isn't going to happen. I think we all assume Kix is a lock. I also want Poison (not Bret solo) Danger Danger and Saxon. It's also time for new bands like Bad City to get a shot. Those bands would be good enough for me: all killer, no filler I say. And I don't necessarily think more is always...more. There are rumors that M3 will be expanded to two days. That's fine, as long as the bands are worthwhile and the show doesn't start insanely early.
Reader Comments (23)
How about this for an idea too... Book BOTH versions of LA Guns!
Tuff, Danger Danger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Vain...
All great suggestions!
Booking both L.A. Guns. Yes! But I bet thoze guyz hate each other, as they are both jack*sses about the whole thing.
When I saw the reunion tour of the seminal 70's/early 80's British Punk band, The Damned, back in like '91 or somethin', they had both their Mark 1 and Mark 2 line-ups on the same bill and then they all came out together at the end to do several classic encores. It was awesome!
Though they weren't two competing line-ups, it was the original line up and the later line up, they were all in it together for the music, kinda like the Kiss Inplugged Reunion, where they had the current line-up and the old line-up playing on the same stage playing together, everyone got into the spirit of it and it was frickin' awesome Rock and Roll History in the making.
It seems like an impossible unlikelyhood but kinda similarly, it would be nice to see both line-ups of L.A. Guns on the same stage together... but it ain't gonna happen...
Anyway, they can have Phil's line-up back anytime, tho Blades doesn't hold a candle to Gunns, it's Kenny Kweens on bass who is Mr. Rock'n'Roll! This guy is killer to watch, let alone, hear!
I'd like to see a lot of the bands you list but they still need the heavy hitters like last year...
I mean, huh-uh-lo-oh!... Scorps! Cinderella! Kix!
So, yeah, they gotta have Kix back, for sure -- it's a Maryland thing.
But they need two biggie headliners...
I think Al or somebody here mentioned Def Leppard or Metallica. You can keep Metallica, tho, of course, they are huge, but almost overkill for this bill and as far as I'm concerned, too UNROCK!
But Def Leppard would give 'em the star power they need to raise the event to the same level it was last year.
Priest would be the other one they could have on the bill to give it that one-two punch it had last year with Scorps and Cinderella headlining.
Also, I'd like to see 'em get Wildside and Junkyard as some of the early mainstage acts.
Pleez, mea culpa, pleez no more Trixter! Argh! Unrock!
They should also get Big City, for sure, as Al has suggested, but also, Charm City Devils, a local sensation who went over big on tour with Motley Crue last year and are simply killer!
And they also oughta get local boys once made good, Child's Play to reunite, even if it's just for this one night.
Speaking of "one night", they should totally keep the event to one night, not put it to two, because it's great to just go there and knock it out in one shot. Then again, if you had enuff absolute legendary tippy-top headliners, I'd go and so would everyone else!
Accept would be another good one. DC 101 was among the first radio stations in the U.S. break them, giving "Balls To The Wall" a ton of airplay. Plus they are hot right now, having reformed with new singer, former T.T. Quick frontman, Mark Tornillo...
Oh, and lest we forget who would prove to be the ultimate headliner...
AC/DC, anyone?
p.s. Snoot! There you are, boy! Dude, you're suggestions are great, too, especially Rock City Angels! Talk about the real deal! They would steal the show, for sure, though no one would admit it... Speaking of RCA, it's just killin' me, I'm gonna miss 'em in Lauderdale. They are playin' there the day after I depart on Shiprocked! Of course, I could always miss the boat... Hmmm... (Thanks for the tip, anyway, man -- one of my fave bands of all time! Maybe, I'll even try flyin' somewhere else they might play if they add more dates, that is if they don't play M3)...
Would love to see Danger Danger as others have suggested
KIX - will always play this event and the hometown crowd comes out in droves to see them!
Damn Yankees - I want this SO bad and would be a great headliner
Childs Play - Local band that would be killer on the side stage
Charm City Devils - Makes sense if Childs Play is playing since John and Nicky play in both bands and CCD would fit nicely on the side stage.
Danger Danger - could be a a great side stage late act or early mainstage act that again has not played M3
Mr. Big - A great mainstage band that hasn't played M3.
Steelheart - Another great mainstage band that hasn't played M3.Sabastain Bach - He kills it, hasn't played M3 and would be a great 3-4 band out main stage act.
Jani Lane - Killed M3 in 2009 and if sober is a great act...thats a big if!
Baton Rouge - Never seen them and like them a lot
Babylon AD - See above (also both never played M3)
LA Guns (Phils version) - Were great the past two years and love this band.
Telsa - great band and never has played M3
Steel Panther - M3 would be wise to bring them back
Jackyl - How have they not played this event?
The New Quiet Riot lineup
Van Halen.
Am I dumb or on to something?
I could live without Damn Yakeez. C'mon, man...
And I don't need Sebastian Bach without Skid Row, sorry.
Van Halen! Huh-uh-lo-oh! You are so right. They would be awesome! I don't think it's that far fetched. I wish they would put Michael Anthony back up there. What did that guy ever do to anybody except not be Wolfgang?
W.A.S.P.! Why didn't I think of that? Wish they'd get the old line-up back though.
Whitesnake would be cool.
Babylon A.D. Totally awesome! Would love to see them!
Cats In Boots! Killer!
Airbourne! Yes!
Poison! Of, course! Huh-uh-lo-oh! What am I thinkin' not thinkin' of them, especially after all Bret's been through and put us through!
Okay, so here we go, as of this moment, how about?...
Van Halen
Danger Danger
Babylon A.D.
Rock City Angels
Cats In Boots
Child's Play
Crash Diet
Reckless Love
Vains Of Jenna
Charm City Devils
Dirty Penny
Hey, if it takes two days to squeeze 'em all in, why not?
And I agree with NC Rocker, two days might make sense with enuff killer acts and no overlap between stages.
Who needs bands that have already played there except Kix, because they are a Maryland Institution. What is with people who have to see the same frickin' bands over and over again? Look, I'm guilty of it, too, but aren't we living enuff in the past as it is?
If everyone keeps wanting the same bands as last year, they might as well hold M3 on Groundhog Day.
p.s. Another one they might inflict on us is Journey, unfortunately. Look I like my Metal cheezy just as much as the next person, but this ain't Metal, it's AOR and overall, let's be honest, now, people...
BAD CITY has got to be on that list, too, for sure!
They ROCK!
Van Halen - if they could get them.
How bout Sammy, Pearcy solo, Winger, Faster Pussycat, Billy Idol and Joan Jett thrown into the mix too?
MetalBoy - take away Jizzy's backing vocal tracks (that may even be Phil) and Tracii's band just doesn't deliver, Huge Gun's fan and Phil and the gang.
Great suggestions all around. I'm Bretted out - both Michaels and Favre. ;-}
Warrior Soul
Jani Lane
Lynch Mob
L.A.Guns (Phil's)
Steel Panther
Sebastian Bach
bad city
mama kin
crazy lixx
wig wam