Chat Tonight - Rocklahoma 2010 Is the Topic

Wow! Seems a whole 'lotta people are not happy with the 2010 Rocklahoma lineup. Personally, I think it's pretty good. I mean, we already knew AEG was going to add modern bands and I like Buckcherry and Godsmack, so it's all good to me. Add Cinderella and Tesla and it's pretty cherry. If you're feeling vocal, come into the chat room tonight at 10 pm EST to discuss all things Rocklahoma.

Reader Comments (17)
Maybe AEG will get the picture when they see how successful MP3 is.
But what killz me is both festivals don't get more acts like what Mewizemgic is talkin' 'bout. Y'know, the kinda stuff we luv on here...
Like Al's new discovery, Hansel, or Vains of Jenna, Crash Diet, The Last Vegas, Miss Crazy, Dynazty, Charm City Devils, Big C*ck, Hardcore Superstar, Bullet, 77, Dirty Penny, Lynam, The Poodles, Wig Wam, Million Dollar Reload, etc., etc...
The European Fests are so far ahead of us getting theez bandz.
Part of the problem, too, I think, is most of the "mainstream" web sites just don't get what's going on with Metal today.
And it's Glam! Same with major music publications. I am so amazed at the myopic non coverage of this whole movement by the likes of Rolling Stone, etc. An article is waiting to be written about this whole scene, it's ridiculous they haven't picked up on it.
Same with their new album reviews. Never do you see one of our fave's new albums written up in the back of Rolling Stone. They just reaffirm how out of touch they are and how they cowtow to the Pop Machine.
Meanwhile the stuff we like is so infectious and catchy and yet it ROCKS! Yet most of the crap they consider to be Rock or Metal is more Alternametal or stuff that is so Unrock unplayed by uncool nerdz! I gotta fly, it's makin' my mercury boil!
It really is reflective of the larger problem...
The American Music Scene is generally failing to Rock. We got Glam in Fashion. We got Glam on American Idol. We got Glem in Retro with Guitar Hero and Rock Band. We got Glam on 80's format Sirius stations. We got Glam on this site and a very few others, this being my fave.
Kidz in America, it's time rise up and ROKK!
You make great points regarding the proclivity of glam these days in fashion, video games, and especially Sirius satellite music and Rocklahoma (the last two things are solely responsible for getting me heavily back into glam the past several years). But don't get me started on what a joke Rolling Stone is, or on the lack of glam coverage in almost any mainstream rock mag.
It's ALWAYS time to get up and ROKK!
Oh and i will be in chat! lol
The reason that Allyson is not slamming Rocklahoma is probably because she actually likes the lineup.
ROTR has sold out the last 2 years. 60,000 is the capacity I believe. It is just economics.
Rocklahoma's dead (xcept for Cinderella and the otherz I noted up top), long live M3!
I'll see ya in and out of the VIP, cuz I'm springin' if I can land 'em cuz I like studyin' peeple'z dental work when I'm watchin' 'em play 'n you can't beat that VIP spot for that and havin' a chair, too, to do splits off of when your doin' air guitar leaps 'til security comez down to tell me to cool it. Maybe we can all plot to at least meet and maybe even partay, too!
Until then, Long live, Rock and Roll! Long live, Rock and Roll!
And that means Glam Metal, too!
My point about ROK is that they aren't able to bring in those headlining bands from the 80's that would sell the tickets. And when you are unable to do that, you are basically strangled with what you can do to help the festival grow
I love hair metal but it was obvious from last years attendance that a change had to come. They pulled in a lineup this year that will sell tickets. It is a good lineup and they still have another 15 or so to add. Just wait and see.
(Also well said Sam! I'll miss the retrospect tent)
You could print T-shirts:
ROCKLAHOMA:Bring Back Glam