Bon Jovi - 'Superman Tonight'

Bon Jovi recently released their video for "Superman Tonight." The song is the second single from The Circle. I gotta say, I'm not very impressed with the video. It's not bad, just not very exciting. Still, I can't wait to see Bon Jovi for the first time this July!
Reader Comments (12)
I haven't seen Bon Jovi live since I was in my teens, but I have to say that I was really impressed back then. They were playing to a pretty rough crowd, and Jon had them eating out of his hand within about a minute. It's rare to see a performer with that much charisma.
I certainly hope that they haven't lost that in the past fifteen years, but I do get the impression that they're all a bit tired of the Bon Jovi formula these days. I think songs like this are maybe a symptom of that. There's a little spark that seems to be missing...
Chris, you nailed it!
Just like Creep... er... um... Creed.
Bon Anchovy are complete and total sell-outs.
Totally Argarific!
Talk about mailing it in.
Theze clownz are so unrock!
Bon Anchovy haven't even approached coming close to being Rock-n-Roll since Desmond Child spoonfed 'em those 3 classic hits, "Livin' On A Prayer", "You Give Love A Bad Name" and "Wanted Dead Or Alive".
Bon Anchovy might as well have released "Slippery When Wet" as a 3-track EP, because beyond thoze cuts, it's sheer fluff. Same with everything that came before that record. "Runaway"? Barf. "She Don't Know Me"? Yeech! "Only Lonely"? Argh! And after "Slippery"? How 'bout "Lay Your Hands On Me"? Wretch. "Bad Medicine"? Ha! "Born To Be My Baby"? Pfffttt...
And that corporate rock solo stuff like "Blaze of Glory" from the Young Guns II Soundtrack is such a snorefest. And tho, Richie Sayonara's geetar seemz a might bit better on his solo rekkid from back in the day, 91's "Stranger In This Town", than on his Bon Anchovy output, with "Stranger", he wound up producing one of the most exceptional examples of AOR available today (and if I'm calling something AOR that's like sounding a death nell).
As far as I'm concerned, it was all over after "Livin' On A Prayer", anyway, their only half decent song and one of the greatest slices of Cheeze Metal ever. Thanx, Desmond.
Samboreya's geetarz were so sanitized and down in the mix to ensure maximum airplay and purchase of "Slippery" by receptionists on their lunch hour after hearing "Livin'" or "Bad Name" one too many times on their boom boxes they had stashed under their reception desks. That's why I call this kind of dreck "Receptionist Rock".
What's even more annoying than theze fool'z whole general sell-out attitude is, let's face it, the keyboardist's hair.
I thought that whole Jheri Curl, Shirley Temple thing went out in 1936. David Bryan's (aka Rushbaum) hairdo-do is just so downright unrock and goofball, it just ain't right. If it wasn't gone in '36, then I thought it would have been out of the picture as soon as Bernadette Peters was.
To no avail. That bozo is still wearin' his hair like that and there's not a dang thing you and I can do about it. In fact, my former associate, Yvonne, who is Bryan's cuzin hasn't spoken to me since '89 because I made just a little too much fun of (surprise, surprise!) Davey-boy'z do.
I'm surprised there wasn't a band revolt over it, but Yvonne once told me, in Bon Anchovy's defense, that key bandmembers wanted to mutiny over something the bassist said, only to have Jon say to them, "If he leaves, I leave."
Too bad the band didn't promptly insist on firing the bassist, if that was indeed the case.
Rock on Bon Jovie!!!
True poseurs with a few of the most undeniably catchiest songs of the 80's which also happened to be provided by hitmeister Desmond Child.
Shadow, you say they are too political. Really? I wish that was their problem. They just plain don't rock and barely did to begin with.
It all comes down to the kitch arrangements and the fact that Richie Sayonara's geetars were always just way to down in the mix. Jheri Kurled David Bryan was charged with the unintentional responsibility of drowning him out with his Roland G1000 and succeeds to this day with flying colors, managing to crap up nearly every Bon Anchovy song with overly prominent keyboard treatments one would assume at the behest of Jon Bon Anchovy and the likes of "Slippery" over producer Bruce Fairbairn.
I always almost snot-out laugh when someone named motleyCrue666 gets incredulous if people like Shadow or myself express an opinion like the fact that Bon Anchovy cannot rock and is not Rock.
You take your name in homage to one of the greatest most hard rockin' Glam Metal Bands in the world, yet defend AOR and total crap like Bon Anchovy, geeez!!!
Bon Anchovy makes the likes of Bad English or Hardline sound like Black Sabbath.
...And you will know us by the trail of the dead....
Bon Anchovy are nuthin' but sell outs and it's been that way since the beginning. But I do have quite a bit of it in my collection and on my iTunes, tortured soul that I am.