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Believe The Inside Info or Don't...But Check Out This Band!

Some of you come to this site because I am very fortunate to get inside information on big shows before the ticket buying public. I always share my good fortune with you guys (up the allowable point) and some of you believe me...and some of you don't. Do with the info what you will. The inside info seems to make some people jealous... I'm not sure why, but whatever. We're all here to have fun and today, I present another band you'll be seeing at a festival this summer. You figure out the fest my children (and yes, the band is already booked for Midwest Rockfest).

The guys in Texas Hippie Coalition consider themselves godfathers of Red Dirt metal. To me, that means they like it heavy in the heart of the south. Think a mix of BLS and Pantera and you're on your way to the THC. They've played Rocklahoma before - I dig 'em (but Rocklahoma isn't the fest I'm hinting at today). Sometimes you need a little heavy to mix with the Glam, right? Check out some vids below.


"Pissed Off and Mad About It"

I should interview THC shouldn't I? I think I will.

Reader Comments (22)

Funnier than Steel Panther!
April 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Rock N America
April 3, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterokstpat
I'm really diggin this band...I had never heard them before, gotta do a little more research on this one.
April 3, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterwiggy25
A buddy turned me on to these guys a while back. They kick ass!! Kind of remind me of a Pantera/Black Label Society hybrid...
April 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGary
I like'em! ZZ Top meets Pantera.
April 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBryon
ZZ Top meets Pantera meets Meatloaf and I love 'em! Totally killer. Wanna see 'em, bigtime!

If I win the lotto, I'll have THC, Junkyard and ZZ Top play my Birthday Party...
April 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
metalboy see krokus postin again i replied over there
April 3, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterglamrockerarchie
I'd still rather see Winger, Warrant (w/Robert), and Wildside - call it a glam thing. Blackie could be this dude a few years back if he hadn't laid off the KFC - Chris come back holme(s).
April 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMEWIZEMGIC
Sometimes it's good for us to experience sumthin' new, too, Me Wize Magic.

Besides, if it was possible to enter Metal albums in the Best Comedy Album category in the Grammy Awards, THC would be a real contender!

And Winger, I guess, was descent enuff, tune-wise. It was the obvious pomp of the dude himself that did that act in-- you know, takin' himself a little too seriously, worried about the profile a little too much and delivering a product devoid of any humor or intelligence whatsoever. C'mon, man, you know it was just plain boring and packaged.

And that's why on That Metal Show tonight, he had to face his harshest critics from the days of yore, Beavis and Butthead, who absolutely shredded him to bits back then and rightfully so. He made such an easy target of himself with all his arrogance. Total poseur back then, though he seems somewhat cooler now.

So, sorry, can't go with ya on Winger or Warrant, either, for that matter, though Warrant was pretty descent back in the day, also. I saw 'em twice. 1st off "Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinkin' Rich" at Hammerjack's (with Kingdom Come opening!) and then at Limelight in NYC off "Cherry Pie". Can't imagine 'em without their "fearless" leader, poor Janey.

However, we do agree on Wildside! One of my faves and my current refry! And totally with ya on Holmes. What a killer! I wish Blackie and he could put aside their differences, at least for awhile -- long enuff for 'em to do a record together and to see 'em.

And I'm dyin' to see THC, too!

p.s. Glam Rocker Archie, I'll see ya over on Krokus...
April 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Okay... Not to be overfloggin' theez chraracterz, but I decided to buy the album off iTunes and just came off the beach about like 3 hours ago after listening to it.

Absolutely hysterically ridiculous!

Which is what makes it so great!

Big Dad Ritch is the funniest barker to come along since Mandy Lion of WW III or Stanley from Life Sex and Death, but not nearly as catchy as either, particularly the latter.

But, the lyrics are absolutely hysterical and Ritch's delivery is even funnier. The Big Dad's got some serious chops, too! Also the geetar leads are killer and so is the excellent production.

They've got the lyrics down but they need better songs, y'know, better music.

So, all theez Good Ol' Boyz O' Metal really need is a new album, only this time they would do better to make sure they've got some hooks and riffs to go on it, too.

Hell, since they are so straight up with their lyrics, they should just call their next album, "Hooks n' Riffs". Thar, that'll git 'er dun...
April 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
wow! very cool. i love finding out about new bands! thanx!!
April 4, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterchris2969
After taking a look at their videos here, I listened to a few of their tracks on iTunes and decided to spend $10 for the album... and it was a good decision. Big, fat, southern metal with riffs that are thick enough to cut with a steak knife and serve with gravy.
April 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBryon
Yeah, and make sure you're pourin' that gravy on Meatloaf.

Hulloh, people?

Are you watchin' the same vidz as I am?

I bought this, too, and I hope everyone realizes that this is the best comedy troupe out on the road since Spinal Tap!

Just listened to the whole thing again, and I admit, it's dang good, boy. But it's a little thin in the riffs department, Bry, n' that's all there is to it, except maybe "Leavin'".

Look, I get the whole "ZZ Top meets Pantera" formula, but they picked the wrong Pantera. That muted, muffled, flatline, flat stuff don't cut it and never did. That's what made Pantera's second incarnation far more boring than the first.

Y'all should know, I really went thru a phase where I tried to go all "legit" and only listened to crap like Slayer (saw 'em point blank at Roseland in NYC off "Reign In Blood" (dang near the hardest I ever laffed in my life. What clowns), King Diamond (also hilarious, but at least with some intention), saw and hung out with Prong (Dated a chick whose brother was the drummer), and Suicidal Tendencies, et al. Boring, boring, boring, folks! So when I had the chance to see Anthrax (more than once), I avoided it like the plague (but I did party with that unibrow dude, Scott What's-his-name at an Estee Lauder party in NYC which proves what poseurs those clowns are). Same goes for Metallica and Megadeth. Never even bothered with Pantera, tho I think I woulda seen the first version if I lived around where they played.

Check the first 3 records, man. I have it on good authority that they won't release 'em in the States on CD for what has been characterized by their management as "not for the obvious reasons". And what might thoze be? The fact that they're better, that's what.

If you're resourceful, you can get 'em in one shape or form, tho, and I suggest you do, if you don't have 'em, boyz. Talk about killer geetar (R.I.P., Dime) and killarious tunes, period. Check the vids on YouTube for "Hot And Heavy" and "All Over Tonight". Funnier and better than anything they did later, that's for dang sure.

Junkyard's "ZZ Top meets Ramones" formula but with a Vince Neil clone for a singer, works far better. So, as far as THC is concerned, let me clarify. Make it catchy riffs. That's what they need.

And not the easy Slayer/Pantera II kind. Real riffs. Dunno, is this current generation of Metaloidz people who never really knew what riffs are and haven't bothered to go back to find out?

THC have got great geetar leads, tho, without question.

Here are some examples of Cowboy Hat Metal riffs theez boyz could learn from...

La Grange, ZZ Top
Tush, ZZ Top
Nice Boys Don't Play Rock'n'Roll, Rose Tattoo
Dreams In The Dark, Badlands
High Wire, Badlands
Blooze, Junkyard
Shot In The Dark, Junkyard
Teas'n'Pleasin', Dangerous Toys
Sport'n a Woody, Dangerous Toys
Gimme' No Lip, Dangerous Toys
Scared, Dangerous Toys
Up On Around The Bend, Hanoi Rocks
Blind In Texas, W.A.S.P.
Ain't No Country Boy, Dimage
Lazy Crazy, Dirty White Boy
Bad Seamstress Blues/Fallin' Apart At The Seams, Cinderella
Last Mile, Cinderella
H.H. Boogie, XYZ
Face Down In The Gutter, XYZ
Whiskey Train, Wild Horses
Knee Deep, 21 Guns
How Many Lies, Wildside
In The Wind, T.S.O.L.
Shotgun Kiss, Spread Eagle
Dirty Old Man Stomp, Great King Rat
Ruck A Pit Bridge, Tuff
On The Edge (Lizzy Town), B.B. Steal
Little Suzie, Tesla
Modern Day Cowboy, Tesla
Legend of C.C Road, Southgang
Water Under The Bridge, Southgang
Stick To Your Guns, Sweet F.A.
Rhythm of Action, Sweet F.A.
Renegade, Vamp
Just Like A Woman, Salty Dog
Jelly Roll, Blue Murder
Reach Out, Dirty Rhythm
Don't Mess With Jim, Poison
Fortunate Son, Waysted
Lookin' For Strange, House of Lords
Lay Your Body Down, Tyketto
Finger In The Pie, Radio Active Cats
Romance On The Rocks, Company of Wolves

(Let me know, if I forgot any, boyz)...

Now, go on 'n learn ya sum real Metal riffs n' git on back, son...

Plain n' simple, Texas Hippie Coalition could use just a tad more boogie and a lot less Pantera II obsession (tho not completely... I get the whole Modern Cowboy Metal Routine).

p.s. Imagine the damage theez boyz could do with some actual riffs to go along with thoze great lyrix, great geetarz n' o' course ol' Big Dad Ritch's big ol' vocalz! "Uh Heeyaha! Yeeawha! Heeyaw!"
April 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Dig the dudes vox. Light-hearted lyrics you can mosh to. Pretty good stuff. Funny how Metalboy refers to Anthrax, as I hear some similarities.
And what's this? Metalboy at an Estee Lauder party, calling Scott Ian a poser for being at an Estee Lauder party? Just sayin' ;)
April 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGreg
Are you kidding me? This shit is terrible. I can't believe you posted this
April 6, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterthis shit sucks
the world is round and you cannot please everyone. different strokes for different folks. what make this funny to me is all the great press you give them . my momma once said to me boy when they are talking about YOU good or bad its great . when they stop talking about you is when you are fucked . long live THC MOTHERFUCKERS
April 6, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterbilly jack
Oh, Greggie!!!


Hey, man, I never said I wasn't a poseur!

Glam Metal is a bunch of Poseurs, remember?

Goin' to the Estee Lauder party -- what could be more Glam than that? It was all frickin' make-up, hot New York models and my friend, who did the retouching of the ads featuring the "new face" of Estee Lauder, invited me and we hung out with said "new face" and her friends and things got a little crazy back at the chick's loft is all I'm sayin'. Look, I was an art director in advertising.

Not The Metal Unibrow of NYC!

But what was the unrock black shorts wearing, Doc Martenized, electrolysised former unibrowed leaping knome doing there? How could a LEGIT member of the New York Metal Cognoscenti, Scott Noteven, be at this thing. Shouldn't he have been busy sharpening the prongs on his Charvelle bass or something?

We know what he was doin'. Tryin' to find a nice high end model to bring home to mama since I was stealin' all his Rock n' Roll chicks, too, because they realized how unrock Anthrax were. What's with the frickin' shorts?

Granted, Offspring pulled it off, but that's cuz they were actually a really catchy Metal band disguised as Skatepunks.

Anthrax, on the other hand? Man, what a bunch of hookless wonderz thoze clownz were and unfortunately for us, still are. I remember stoppin' the video recorder any time they came on Headbanger's Ball and I would just make out with the chick I was with, while keeping a careful eye on the TV waitin' for the next vid before pressing record again. Why waste tape on 'em?

I'll give 'em two songs... both covers... Joe Jackson's "Got The Time", which is still pretty annoying, but not as annoying as their originals... and Black Sabbath's "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath".

Otherwise, Dude, Anthrax bites the big one, let's face it!

What a waste of a cool lookin' band logo and name for that matter. Funny, tho, and I'm sure it's unintentional, but these clownz really were and are (oh, how I want to forget) so bad they really are almost as toxic as frickin' anthrax.

That weirdo that sent all those letters to members of Congress woulda done a h*lluva lot more damage if he had just hired Anthrow-up and just put 'em on the back of a flat bed with a bunch of wasted perfectly good Marshalls and let 'em work their "Magic" on the Capitol Building.

That would have surely produced a lot of white flags fashioned from Brooks Brothers button downs being waved out the windows in like less than three minutes.

Theez clownz are more UNROCK than Neil Sedaka!

As far as THC are concerned, I stand by my critique! They are great. They are the funniest thing out since LSD and need to steal some more hooks, riffs, licks, whatever ya wanna call it. They got the chops. They got the smarts. They got the humor. They got them killer lookin' n' soundin' Dean Geetarz n' they got the ultimate weapon, Big Dad Ritch! And they got the production.

And, seriously Greg, "lighthearted lyrics you can mosh to." Now that's almost as funny as their actual lyrics that I would hardly call "lighthearted".

As far as moshin', c'mon, bro. This is a Glam Metal site. Go mosh over on those other Scrap Metal sites where they're into crap like theez untintentional jokerz, The Greatest Metal Rappers of all the 5 points, Anhax!

And, man, TSS, you don't get it, bro! Widen your horizons, no pun intended.

Honestly, you guyz kill me when you come over here and talk up Crap Metal like Anhax!

Now listen to Billy Jack, here. Boy, you are so right, but theez guyz dezerve all the press they can get, cuz they're frickin' killarious!

The Metal Sledgehammer as Gavel comes down on the Anvil! Whonggggg!!!!

Anthrax Suxx!

THC Rules!

Metalboy! has spoken!
April 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Great voice, but could use some depth. Maybe a little melodic sound in there somewhere. Funny songs, though. I dig them.
April 7, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterbrian
Now now Metalboy, sounds like you need a Calgon moment.
You preach about widening ones horizon but then continue to slam one for doing so. I enjoy much more than just Glam. I range from The Tokens to Exodus, B.B. King to Dirty Penny, Grand Funk Railroad to Twisted Sister, Wicked Wisdom to Ratt to Elvis to Sleeze Beeze..
You dog Scott Ian for being at a "Glam" event and yet refuse to see the hypocrisy. Look, my intent was just to give a little poke, not start an argument.
Lyrics that are about masturbation are lighthearted. Also, I am too old to mosh these days. That's for the twenty-somethings. But if I want to I will. And kiss my ass if if you think I'll go to another site since you told me. Obviously THC isn't glam so Allyson must not have a problem with others talking about other genres.
April 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGreg
I agree, Greg.

I was out of bounds saying you should go to another site.

My apologies.

And we agree on The Tokens, B.B. King, Dirty Penny, Grand Funk Railroad (just picked up one of those Japanese mini album CD's of "We're an American Band" at this great indy store in Orlando, "Rock'n'Roll Heaven". Man, they've got a motherlode of LP's and 45's, all genre's of R'n'R, too), Twisted Sister, Ratt, Elvis and Sleez Beez.

And gathering from that, I imagine we agree on a lot more than we disagree on.

I like to say that I'm probably one of the few people on the planet that has both Barry Manilow and Miles Davis in their collection, and actually likes both of them.

But Scott Noteven and Anhax still absolutely sukk in my book.

Just my personal opinion.

And I'm with ya on the idea of including other genre's of Metal on They just have to be good.

Like THC.

But, I'm with Bri on his critique. Getting slightly more melodic, tho I would call it "catchy" (yet I bet Big Dad would never wanna refer to what I'm talkin' about as that).

Makin' the stuff on their new album (where is it?) have better hooks/riffs/licks (whatever ya wanna call 'em) will only further enhance everything they've got goin' for 'em and even serve to better contrast their "bludgeony thrash aspects".

And I guess I still can't go with ya on describing their lyrics as "lighthearted".

Did you buy the album? They are flat out f*ckin' funny is all, Greg, just like Bri sez.

"Lighthearted" would be a term better served for Manilow or Journey.

If you wanna call lyrics about self pleasure ("Leavin'") "lighthearted" instead of "funny", maybe you're comparing them to the lyrics of another unrock slagheap of Scrap Metal, Cannibal Corpse, or some such sh*t.

So I absolutely love THC, tho I'm with Bri, they gotta beef up the melodic part. It will only enhance the bludgeoning parts more (which I still think could be more catchy).

They're the funniest thing out there right now, no doubt.

THC really could capture the attention of the Mass Rock audience if they simply rocked out a little more.

Rock On, Boys!
April 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!

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