What Makes a Song Heavy?

I have a cool idea for a multi-day event here on BBG! I've noticed you like when a theme carries over many days and I have fun writing that way, too. But, before I can write about what I want, I need a clear understanding of what "heavy" really is...keeping in mind that all art is subjective.
I think a pounding rhythm section (with overt bass) tends to make a song heavy. A band doesn't have to be "metal" to create a "heavy" song. In fact, there are random pop songs that include heavy sections. I think the lyrics need to be serious or dark. A singer that has a very powerful, booming voice or soaring scream helps. Muted chords on the guitar don't hurt, either. Divebombs are good. Downtuning is good. Distortion helps. Perhaps even the length and general complexity of a song adds to a heavy vibe.
What do you think? What - to you - makes a song "heavy?" Your responses will help me write this website next week.
Reader Comments (13)
I think anything "heavy" or "metal" has you involuntarily banging your head, throwing up the metal/horns, air-guitarring and/or drumming something.
you really got me by the kinks is heavy, and theres no distortion.
led zeppelin are heavier than all the screamo fag bands out there
In general, though, I think any time you combine aggressive guitars & drums, you've got the makings of something really heavy.
"You Really Got Me", The Kinks 1964 hit, is also considered to be a progenitor to Heavy Metal, as Steve points out.
p.s. Steve. C'mon, man. What's with your "F" word in your entry above, bro? Rob Halford of Judas Priest, for one, would not appreciate it.
Check out Demon Speeding from Rob Zombie. That is heavy in my book... (Bang Thy Head Folks!!) Just love those dropped tuned chugging style riffs like that.
the kinks aren't heavy metal, but the song is still heavy as fuck.
as a homosexual, i think 1: i am allowed to use that word and 2: when i say screamo fag, i don't believe that every member of bring me the horizon or what have you is actually a homosexual...look past the words already defined meaning