Don't Stop Believin' - The Best Rock Song Ever Written?

Everyone and their cousin knows "Don't Stop Believin.'" Journey released the song in 1981 and it is on the album Escape.
I heard the song at least three separate times while I was out and about over the weekend. It dawned on me while eating at O'Charleys (the best rolls ever?) that "Don't Stop Believin'" is probably the world's most perfect rock song.
Not much in life is perfect. But there are pockets of perfection and "Don't Stop Believin'" is one of them. The song features an actual appropriate use of keyboards, there's an awesome chorus, meaningful guitar work - and a theme that touches all listeners. After all, who hasn't felt like a character in "Don't Stop Believin'" at one point or another? (In case you're wondering, I am, of course, the small town girl living in a lonely world).
Perhaps most important is that in "Don't Stop Believin,'"Journey created an approachable rock anthem, right at the dawn of the 80s. Journey is not a Glam band - make no mistake I am not arguing that they are - but they are arena rock and songs like "Don't Stop Believin'" helped make it easier for our Glam faves to hit high positions on the Billboard charts later during the decade of decadence.
I suppose "Don't Stop Believin'" haunts Journey to a degree. While the song made them rich and famous it also created an impossible standard for song writing excellence. "Don't Stop Believin'" is Journey's "November Rain" or "Dream On." You usually only get one of those songs in a career but if you do it right, the song lasts for all time.
And "Don't Stop Believin'" does last. It seems that the tune has gone through some sort of renaissance over the past few years. It was a big finale tune for American Idol when Adam Lambert and Kris Allen battled for the crown. Glee, a popular TV show, recorded the song and therefore introduced the tune to a whole new generation that had possibly never even heard of Journey. The song is, of course, a karaoke staple.
I thought for a long time and I couldn't find an 80s rock song more iconic than "Don't Stop Believin.'" Do you agree?
Reader Comments (20)
Overall, I'd say Journey's tune is way up near the top of the list. Not sure if it's at the very top for me but real close, for sure!
Steve Smith kills it during the tune!
It's cheez to the max yet it's undeniably infectious.
And as Kari points out, it's ubiquitous. It's everywhere!
It's timeless. It's universal.
It's a pure perfect pop confection.
And no matter how "all about the money" Journey seemed when they hit the scene, there's no denying their genuine emotion, heart and soul came through on "Don't Stop Believin'"
And now it seems it's more popular than ever. The encore that will win you "Top Band In The Area" kudos if you can nail it better than anyone else.
The song both Midwestern kids taking the oath of celibacy and Brooklyn Hipsters alike go apesh*t for.
Whether it's a dive in Peoria or a 100 capacity club on the outskirts of L.A. or The Standard Hotel in South Beach or Foxboro or Wembley Stadium, if a band plays it or the DJ throws it on, the crowd goes nuts.
I think with the world the way it is, particularly this country, the words "Don't Stop Believin'" take on an even larger meaning.
It could be the theme song for "The Homeless Guy With The Golden Voice", Ted Williams. Don't give up hope. Never stop dreamin'.
There's no denying, Journey were killers. even tho these guys unquestionably had "The Worst Outfits In Rock History", something akin to "Member's Only" on steroids with eye shattering bold patterned neon colored spandex and fire engine red, overly-zippered huge collared jumpsuits.
It duzn't mean a damn thing. As artless or unclever as they were, they had the chops and the mutton chops and the hair and Perry had the pipes to spare and Schon the guitar pyrotechnics...
And one thing that will never be taken away from them...
An Anthem for America.
It's a masterpiece!
It's a song for the ages...
"Don't Stop Believin'"
I won't.
Now, (gulp), 30 years later, time and life experience have mellowed my opinion of this song, and the whole Escape album. No, you'll never catch me rocking out to don't Stop Believin', but I now at least understand why other people like it, and it does take me back to a time when the most pressing thing I had to worry about was not liking a certain song. Getting older certainly brings a level of prospective to your life.
Peace out!
However, like Bob, I realize, believe it or not, that the most pressing thing I have to worry about should not be whether I like a certain song or not.
But that's not gonna stop me from doing so. In my life, this is the one spot where I can debate such things with like minded people.
Also, like Bob, I now actually have come to "respect" Journey when I used to despise 'em.
Unlike, Bob, however, I always regarded this song as a guilty pleasure and now I absolutely love it!
It's the ultimate mood music.
"Don't Stop Believin'" is like the cherry on top of the most incredibly perfect pop confection of a hot fudge sundae ever made.
It is, unquestionably, one of the greatest songs of all time!
And, to me, one of "The Top 10 Power Ballads of All Time"!
Sometimes I like a little syrup on my iTunes!
p.s. I'm pretty much with ya on all of your tunes, Me Wize Magic, xcept maybe, "The Lumberjack". Just can't get into 'em, man and I like Skynyrd, ZZ Top, Allman's, and even tripe like 38 Special. Check out Junkyard and Rock City Angels if you like your Metal and Hard Rock southern fried. Man, I just got this bootleg of The Allman Brothers in '93 with Zakk Wylde sittin' in for Dickie Betts who was "sick" that night. Whoweeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
What Don't Stop Believin' has going for it is it's seemingly relentless omnipresence - the song is EVERYWHERE. How many songs did any of us "oldsters" like (at least somewhat) in 1981 that are still listened too and enjoyed by kids today? Very few, I would guess. But Don't Stop Belivin' is well-liked by the younger folks, and has even been played at proms the last several years. Must be interesting hearing that song amongst the Beyonce, Jay-Z, assorted rap crap, etc.
And don't forget, it was part of the last scene in the Sopranos finale too!
I forgot it was the outro song in the final scene of the last episode of The Sopranos.
I think you've just traced the mystery of what sent it over the top, recognition wise, especially with the young people.
I bet if you could track it, you would have seen a spike in the songs popularity the moment after it aired and snowballing ever since.