Pollstar Has Dates, Bands for M3 2011

Happy Friday, Glam lovelies! Some exciting news going into the weekend: Pollstar has dates and a few bands listed for M3 rock festival in Columbia, Maryland. Columbia is near Baltimore. The festival is held at Merriweather Post Pavilion.
The dates are listed as May 13, 14 (Friday/Saturday) and the bands listed are Warrant, LA Guns (Phil's version), Faster Pussycat, and Pretty Boy Floyd.
This gels with what I've already heard about the fest. I've got to be honest: I'm hoping for some different bands that haven't played M3 fest before. This will be the third year for M3 and the first that it is apparently slated for two days. Since bands and dates are popping up on Pollstar, I'm thinking an official announcement is imminent.
I guess one of the things on my to-do list today is to go ahead and block vacation time for early May.
What do you think of this news?

Reader Comments (18)
If it's anything like Phil's "L.A. Guns", I'll live, as he's assembled a crack band behind him, most notably, Certified Real Deal Glam Metal vet Kweens on bass. He could do with a wilder guitarist, however, but the dude's competent and it probably boils down to Phil not wanting to be upstaged the way he was by Guns.
He just forgot that it was Guns band to begin with. Guns is a monster. It's a shame they can't work on their differences.
He probably didn't count on Kweens singlehandedly stealing the show, let alone the entire M3 last year, with the exception of Cinderella, maybe. If you saw him play, THAT's how a ROCKSTAR is supposed to act and PLAY! What a KILLER!
As far as Warrant is concerned, it's all about whether they've got Jani or not. Somehow the whole "Legacy Act" schtick falls apart if they don't have the original singer fronting.
That said, if you've got the stomach (and the wallet), bite the bullet and pick up "Hollywood Underground", from '96, which is basically Warrant on steroids sans Jani, xcept for the one track he sings on, the beautiful "Faraway Eyes" (no, not the Stones song), which he penned.
The band is Warrant along with a plethora of Hollywood Cognescenti on vocals and guest guitar work, which is all simply stellar, to say the least.
I actually think this Japanese Only Release was a kind of vindication project for the members of Warrant, the band. It's a statement saying, "Hey, forget 'Cherry Pie', here's what we can do."
Though '96 was a little late in the game to release something like this, it's so incredible, the guitars so blistering, the Glam Hair Pop Metal so pure, you won't care when it was released.
But I imagine the Warrant of today duzn't even play this stuff, which is a crime, as it's so much better than most of their stuff except for the hits from the 1st album.
Anyway, I digress as usual... but pick it up, if you can swing it. Absolutely Killeracious!
Back on M3. Even if they're virtually scab acts now, I do hope I can see PBF and FP on the main stage. I will be going point blank VIP again and I really don't feel like hauling a*s up to the second stage to see a band that's already started to only have to leave to get back down to "the shed" to see a main act that's already started. It's such a hassle.
Also, M3 Promoters have a pretty tall order to fill to top last year.
I mean, c'mon!... Scorps, Cinderella, Kix, L.A. Guns, Jetboy, Winger, Vince Neil?
It's gonna take a helluva lot more than a scab Pretty Boy Floyd, a scab Faster Pussycat, a Warrant sans Lane and an L.A. Guns sans Tracii to get me more excited than I was about last year...
Where's Def Leppard? Motley Crue? Poison? Reckless Love? Bad City? King Lizzard? Hansel? Wolfmother? Dirty Penny? Crash Diet? Vains of Jenna? Dynazty?
And what the h*ll, might as well bring back (glam!) Cinderella and Kix, too!
2 days is a lot of time to fill. So fill it up with more than the usual suspects!
Bring It!
And you can lose Vince if you want, since he's the only major touring act who only performs half of his show himself and when he does, who makes the audience do most of the singing.
What a joker!
Hey, Vince joke's on you! F*ck You! We're onto you, clown!
As Bret would say:
It will be a nuthin but a good fuckin time?
@ Christian ~ Robert Mason. Can you be any MORE of a tool? Don't cry when Perry & Shivvy are onstage again....
Give me some bands who have never played M3...Steelheart, Babylon AD, Giant, Baton Rouge, Childs Play, etc.
Face the music and get "Hollywood Underground". I assure you, you won't mind my long diatribe when you throw that on.
Bummer about Kweens, Kari and Aaron. I wonder if that had somethin' to do with him upstaging Phil or Phil not comin' up with enough coin or a combination of the two. I also wonder what the h*ll Kweens will do. H*ll, maybe he left on his own accord. Hope it wasn't a relapse or nuthin'.
Too bad about Dirty Penny, also, Aaron! Dang! I really wanted to see them. I shoulda looked for 'em when I was out there a year or so ago.
Hey, Sleaze Rocker, we gotta all get together at M3 this year. I met Queen Glam Mistress Allyson, Warlock Eric, Glam Metal Princess Kari, Metal Knight Christian and Metaliege Johnny last year there. It would be great to at last, meet you, as well, Sir Sleaze!
And, you boyz are such comedians. KixRules, you crack me up! Like their ever gonna get Giant or Baton Rouge (Got their crap, too! AOR!). I'll dream with ya on Steelheart, Babylon A.D. and Child's Play. H*ll if they can get them, maybe they could get Junkyard with Brian Baker, too!
Child's Play seems like a natch, actually, if they get 'em with Brian Jack, regardless of what I personally think of him.
Maryland is big on them, tho to a lesser degree than Kix, for sure!
How about Buckcherry? Still, tho who are The Monsters of Glam Metal they could get?
Accept? (Puleez do!)
I think KixRules theory could bear out. General admission on Friday, seating on Saturday, but still, I think it will be hard to resist for the promoters, etc., not to charge out the WAZOO on both days.
May 12th, it is, if that is indeed when it is.
I'll be down front!
p.s. Sorry, puleez, no Tesla! Hate to be selfish but I saw 'em on Shiprocked!, and they were great, but we need somebody bigger who, frankly, isn't quite as BORING!
having said that, however, I am excited for our genre! I hope they bring in some different bands too.
New blood, that holds the same 80s blend: Airbourne, Wildstreet, Bad City, and some Europe Flash such as Wig Wam, Reckless Love, and HammerFall
I would also love to see Cinderella, Ratt, and Winger Back!!!!
Slash, Def Lep, or Poison would be excellent head liners.
Of Course Kix makes the whole show.
I loved having Retrospect Records being there and having influence: MASS last yr was great. I would love for them to bring in Baton Rouge and maybe Big Cock.