Breaking: Dirty Looks Singer Dead

This is shocking, Dirty Looks singer Henrik Ostergaard has died.
Obviously this is a sudden death. According to Blabbermouth, Ostergaard died just this morning. An autopsy is pending.
Reader Comments (10)
I know he had been fairly sick over the past few months. He had been under hospice care for awhile now.
Two of the most memorable weeks of my life were spent with Dirty Looks in Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico back in 1989.
The cause was officially listed as "natural causes".. though I'm sure I know what contributed to these causes. Sad day indeed. R.I.P.
This guy was the Real Rock'n'Roll Deal!
I saw Dirty Looks at The Cat Club off "Cool From The Wire", shortly after I bought that album right when it came out. They were amazing! The bass player had the most original rock bassist stage craft I have ever seen and Henrik just ruled! The band was both kick-a*s and flawless!
And I was always amazed at the quality and quantity of excellent music he could crank out. I swear, it feels like it was two albums a year.
What a Rock'n'Rolller, through and through!
Nothing stopped him! Not Grunge! Not Rap! Not Pop! Not Anything! He just plained Rocked Out and never looked back!
Until now.
God Bless Him and His Family, His Loved Ones, His Band and All those who worked with him and believed in him.
p.s. I hope, in his last days, he took some comfort in knowing he had loyal fans all over the world. Why, just as little as a couple of days ago, he had been on our minds as we were just talking about him, his band and his music on Al's recent post, "'Nobody Rides For Free' vs. 'Nobody Rides For Free'". Check it out and you'll see him in all his glory. I was so looking forward to seeing Dirty Looks @ M3, as it's been a long time since I caught them live (23 years and I'll still never forget it!). They would have easily stood above the fray rumored to be this years line-up at M3(which will be announced today!). "Cool From The Wire" is easily one of my "Top 25 Faves Of All Time", both the song and the album! Check out the song on YouTube. Rock On Forever, Henrik! RIP (Rock In Peace!).