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M3 Bands Announced!

The promoters behind M3 have just announced the bands for this year's festival, which will take place May 13th and 14th at Merriweather Post Pavilion in Columbia, Maryland (near Baltimore). The bands:

Friday May 13, 2011
L.A. Guns

Saturday May 14, 2011
Sebastian Bach
Lita Ford
Mr. Big
Great White
Danger Danger
Big Noize
Black And Blue
Faster Pussycat
Pretty Boy Floyd


Reader Comments (25)

Rock It - let us know - looking for a Th night spot - thanks.
January 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMEWIZEMGIC

Hope to have everything in place by mid-week.
January 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterROCK-IT
Aw!, dudes, I'm the same way. I get way too carried away with this stuff!

These poor bastards are tryin' to make a living doing what they love to do and for some reason, their original or classic line-ups don't want to play.

And here I am complaining.

I should consider myself lucky just to hear the music played live by at least some of the players who were part of making it happen in the first place, back in the day.

What are these cats supposed to do, call it quits?

I don't know what the h*ll I'm thinkin' when I'm complaining. It's my own damn fault I missed so many of these great bands the first time around.

And it's not like I can play one note or sing one on key. I should be grateful these guys are still out there sluggin' away, bringing their almost extinct art back out to the masses (or those of us who are lucky enuff to realize how great this stuff really is) and they're doing it basically all for the love of Rock'n'Roll, when it comes right down to it, not just the money.

I'll be up front and I hope I see you guyz there. We'll all have a Rockin' Good Time!
January 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Hey, Long Haired Rocker! I hope you don't just sit back, relax and only read the stuff on here.

I hope you just sit back, relax and make comments!

It sharpens the debate and advances the ball as we all continue our journey to Bring Back Glam!
January 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
PBF and FP>>>bringin'back glam!!!!!!!!!!!!!
February 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCCinChillicothe

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