M3 Bands Announced!

The promoters behind M3 have just announced the bands for this year's festival, which will take place May 13th and 14th at Merriweather Post Pavilion in Columbia, Maryland (near Baltimore). The bands:
Friday May 13, 2011Kix
L.A. Guns
Saturday May 14, 2011
Sebastian Bach
Lita Ford
Mr. Big
Great White
Danger Danger
Big Noize
Black And Blue
Faster Pussycat
Pretty Boy Floyd

Reader Comments (25)
Can't wait to see:
KIX, LA GUNS, Whitesnake, Tesla, Sebastian Bach, Mr. Big, Danger Danger, Firehouse and Black N Blue!
Can't wait to see BIG NOIZE! JOe Lynn Turner, Cavazo and Soussan! WOW!!! Is Vinnie playing drums or is it SImon Wright?
Anyone taking bets on ticketfly crashing again this year?
See ya at Meriweather!
I was really hoping they would top 2010, which would be no easy feat, no doubt.
It would take a lot to outdo Scorps and Cinderella!
Cinderella has all it's original band members and they were superb!
The Scorps, who on their farewell tour when they played M3 last year, had it's three original key players in tact, Klaus, Rudolf and Mathias. The bass player, though a replacement, seemed like an old pro and Kottak, the drummer, replacing Herman Rarebell, has a legendary pedigree, having played in Kingdom Come and Michael Schenker Group (there's a connection), among others.
Which brings me to this:
How many of these bands have the original line-ups? How many have the original singers?
Well, I'm looking forward to seeing Whitesnake but isn't David Coverdale practically the only original member? It'll be great to see such a legend sing and I heard the band is crack-on, but really, no Sykes or most of the original line-up present and you're gonna make 'em the headliner.
Sorry, this is a tip off that this Festival, this year, duzn't have a REAL headliner!
Somebody please tell me if there is one in the whole bunch that has the original line-up completely intact?
Mr. Big? Big Whups!
Tesla? Relatively intact but are they that big of a deal. Too many acoustic guitars. Look, I saw 'em on Shiprocked! Once is enough, sorry!
Sure I guess you could say the new ones like Turner and Cavaso's Big Noise and Cherone's Hurtsmile are all original but that's cuz they're new bands with old vets. Ugh, I absolutely cannot stand Cherone! So UNROCK! And, look, I saw Extreme point blank and even had beers with the dude.
Always wanted to see Great White. Alas, original founding frontman, Jack Russell, won't be the singer!
Same with Warrant! No Janie Lane! Though I will admit I loved 'em without Janie (xcept for 1 song) when they were Hollywood Underground, but they won't play any of those songs, crimey!
I guess Slaughter is fairly intact, I believe, but can Mark still sing. Love Dana Strum! Total Genius!
Hopefully Danger Danger is still relatively intact. Got the word Poley is gonna be there. Man, can he sing! Partied with him once way back when their first album just came out.
Sebastian Bach's still got the chops, just wish he'd go back with Skid Row. Could you imagine how monster that would be? See how they could become the headliner, if he fronted them?
Firehouse! Stoked to see them. Are they all original? Puleez tell me, "Yes"!
Black and Blue? Dyin' to see them! "Nasty, Nasty", "Hold On To 18" and "I'll Be There For You". Is St. James gonna sing and how many original bandmembers are still in that band? Never saw 'em, so I suppose I should count my blessings.
Faster Pussycat? I suppose having Taime Downe is key, since he is the trademark sound (or noise) in that band. Didn't see 'em either so I guess I'll be somewhat stoked for this one.
Pretty Boy Floyd! Love 'Em! My favorite of the bunch. At least ya got the two key players of the "original" lineup, Steve Summers and Kristy "Krash" Majors. And ya got Vik Fox. He's the real deal. Poor Vinnie Chase, RIP...Rock In Peace!
Lita cool, I guess, but not a particularly noteable hitmonger. Maybe I'll get to meet Jim Gillette. That guy rocks through and through!
Jetboy? Here we go again! The lead singer, Mickey Finn, called it quits after all of this time. Thank God I got to see 'em both last year (they were awesome!) and back in the day at the Cat Club NYC!
Now Jetboy is yet another band on the M3 bill with a replacement singer!
L.A. Guns was pretty good last year. But no Tracii. Thank God I saw 'em 5 times, count 'em, with Tracii back in the day, the first time in L.A. before they even had a record out! Then twice in Maryland and twice more in NYC, Cat Club and The Ritz! And last year the Phil version played M3, without Tracii, but you still felt like you were seein' a real Rock'n'Roll band. And Kenny Kweens was a rare case of a replacement bass player stealin' the show, in fact, the whole M3 show. Kweens was, hands down, THE Rockstar of the whole line-up. Now ya got the original bass player back. That's cool.
Last but not least, ya got Kix. These guys are the best of the lot, really. They can still put on a helluva show and are only missing one original member though the key one, the original founding matter. Thing is, I've seen 'em around 30 times so I'll be gritting my teeth during "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah", needless to say.
With all my complaining, I'll still go. A lot of these bands I've never seen and even without the original singers or a patchwork band, it will still be worth it.
I think my attitude should be like I'm glad to go see all of these bands playing in one place even if some of them sound more like tribute bands, since so many of them lack their original singers.
They should rename this festival "Scab3", sorry!
Sykes wasn't the first guitarist in Whitesnake. Micky Moody takes that position (and his peer, bass player Neil Murray, overlaps with his and Sykes's time in the band). Moody and Murray were also involved in the projects that pre-date Whitesnake forming (Coverdale's solo work after Deep Purple).
And let's not get started on the Scorpions. Jabs joined in 1978, more than a decade after the band formed. Without M. Schenker and (briefly) U. Roth, they wouldn't have gotten to where they are (which is, sadly, on a farewell tour). It also helps that, in their early days, they had someone like bassist Buchholz minding their finances . . . never mind the fact that they had to concoct a story to explain his departure in a way that made them look good. Money helps pay for those Big City Nights.
Slaughter are also missing Tim Kelly . . . and a bit of Mark's voice. But he and the band make up in enthusiasm what he lacks in range. Hopefully the mix will be better than it was at RocknAmerica.
Scab is funny Metalboy. But time moves on. Just be glad the line-up is as good as it is. And the original line-up of a band isn't the gold standard by which to judge music. I'd take Corabi over Neil if we were going for talent (though I would take Neil and the Crue over Corabi for spectacle and nostalgia . . . and the chance to help the band sing). And people like Robbie Crane end up helping out a whole host of bands (Ratt, Lynch Mob, etc.) when original members (Pearcy, Logan, etc.) can't get their acts together.
Not that you were complaining. But to call some of the current line-ups "patchwork" is to make a dig even if you are still going to dig what they do.
Keep at it Metalboy. You never cease to make me crack a smile.
Are you tryin' to discredit the Almighty Metalboy! The nerve, you silly knat!
Who's more psycho? Me for writing all of this crap or you bothering to point all this trivial b.s. out?
So, to set the record semi-straight...
I knew that stuff your pointing out...
...about Scorps like Uli, etc. Even Michael Schenker was in Scorps for a time. I've got the early records and tho amusing, not my fave stuff. Don't start on "Lovedrive", puleez. But I'll give ya, "Another Piece of Meat", which Scorps invited Vince Neil out on stage for last year, since he covered it on his latest solo effort (or lack of effort, if you prefer).
I like Corabi, but I'll take Vince Neil, not for the nostalgia (you misguided Metaloid!), but for the fact that I like my third favorite Glam Metal band's stuff sung by an Alvin and The Chipmunks vocalist as opposed to a gravely one.
However, Crue's eponymous album with Corabi is quite good, no doubt, but that's not quintessential Crue as is the Neil fronted stuff, that's all there is to it. Let the Corabi collab stand on it's own, almost like it's a different band. One could even argue it's more legit and gritty and all that crap, but I roll with my Glam Metal nice and shiny and polished and overproduced, thank you very much.
And I've got all the early Whitesnake albums with Moody, etc. In fact I was doing a workout with a hot young chick trainer to "Slow An' Easy" just last night (which almost killed me, not the song, the workout).
So, thanks for acting as my editor, Just Saying, and getting me to focus more... tho, your really being a bit of a pain in the a*s about all of this, as your makin' me have to punch up the sh*t by going on Wikipedia...
Believe it or not, you're not tellin' me what I don't already know...
I stand corrected...
What I meant to highlight is a band's "classic line-up", not "the original line-up", per se... so, re-read my rant with that distinction in mind, subbing in "classic" for "original" where necessary, thus negating any need for your nitpix and then maybe you'll get my main drift a little better rather than ATTEMPT to put a chink in Metalboy!'s Teflon suit...
By classic, I mean at their most successful peak, thus the Scorps line-up with Mathias and thus the Whitesnake line-up with Sykes...
Back to Scab3...
Where the hell are the classic line-ups of these bands?
Back to my original question...
Are any of them even close facsimiles to original or classic line-ups?
I guess Mr. Big! Ugh! I hope they do "Addicted To That Rush" early, so I can go get drunk during the rest of their posing and preening (which was bad enuff watchin' 'em when they were young and oh so legit, give me a break! Always HATED those clowns!).
I've gotten other clowns like you drive-by commenting on this site overheated because I yawn over these guys, but I may come back after grabbin' another beer to see why everyone is so ga-ga about their original guitarist, if he's still around.
I have their cob-webbed covered albums in the vaults somewhere. A couple of years ago I had all of their crap on my iTunes but jettisoned it all to make room for my favorite Barry Manilow songs.
Yeah, gotcha, whatever-the- hell-his-name-is played for Racer X and was taught by Vai and then taught Vai, etc., etc. Where are the songs, bro. I hear one.
They're Mr. Little, as far as I'm concerned.
Firehouse is the classic line-up, more or less, as one of the key members quit long ago, after their album hit mega-platinum status yet he was never replaced. The original bass player has been replaced like 5 times in 5 years. I guess I gotta live with that, the way MScab is going this year.
And I wonder if Turner and Cavaso will do old Quiet Riot and Rainbow tunes, too? it wouldn't surprise me if Big Noize has a decent set of new songs as Cavaso is a very good songwriter, having contributed some great tracks to Ratt's "Infestation"...
Though I'm sure I will love hearing Great White, I will regret it's not with Jack Russell. Same with Guns without Guns. Same with Jetboy without Mickey, same with Warrant without Lane.
What the hell?! I love how everyone is so desperate, with me close behind, for their fix of E-Chords no matter how scabbed up they are.
I'm glad I make you smile, but as you can see your fact checking is really inconsequential about the point I'm making...
And that is the fact that this M3 is not on par with last year's. Period.
Tesla minus one or two original members.
Whitescab. Great Scab. L.A. Scab. Jetscab. Warscab (or is that Scabant?),
At least some of the bands have the sense to keep their "classic line-up frontmen, intact... Pretty Boy Floyd's Steve Summers and Kristy "Krash" Majors (yeah, okay, for sticklers like you, he's not the original guitarist, who actually wrote most of the tunes on their eponymous debut) or Faster Pussycat, with Taime Downe. Same goes for Black'n'Blue,
Continuing on this track, Slaughter means Mark Slaughter and probably most, if not all of the original band, I believe.
Kix, is still more or less intact tho I'm pretty much fried on their set list and it sure would spark things up if they could ever get missing Svengali, Purnell back.
Ya got Danger Danger with Poley. I don't know how much of the original or classic line-up ya got there, but he's a KILLER!
Lita Ford is Lita Ford. I've never seen her and actually kinda like her crap and she has the pedigree since she was in a REAL ROCK BAND, The Runaways (wanna meet Jim Gillette, too, Ford's husband. That guy is an unsung Metal God!).
I'm not gonna give Whitesnake a pass just cuz Coverdale's still up front because they are the lamo Headliner.
Yeah, I'm sure a lot of the music will be there, as you assert, but again, they're mostly nothing more than tribute bands fronted by the "original" singer (Sebastian Bach) or the "classic line-up", or close proximity thereof, fronted by an impressionist or approximator.
So, sorry for the inaccuracies, JS, I'm so DEEP into this Glam Metal sh*t, I can't see straight.
But I stand by my observations and claims and I'll leave the nitpicks and fact checking to trivialists such as yourself who are content to take whatever they give you and happily wallow in Metal Mediocrity!
You may be smiling, but your assertions make me frown. Don't settle for less. Don't settle for second best! Wake Up, man!
p.s. Editors be damned unless Allyson should ever tell me to cool it. And there's no hope for my writing ability since I don't have any and don't have the patience or time to bother learning how to write. We know who the real writer is here and it's the one running the show. So, JS, see ya at MScab, a PATCHWORK of patchwork bands xcept for like two, maybe three (hey, now there's a double meaning for M3, if that winds up being the case). See ya down front! I'll be with my new girlfriends, since my "classic" line-up quit!
When I go to a show and hear Sex Action, Cold Blood, Slip of the Tongue, Slide it In, etc - as long as it sounds similar to the orginal (and with the original singer), I'm in a pretty good place. Sleazy lyrics, hooks galore, fun atmosphere (all the reason I'm not too keen on Tesla and Lita) - it's all good.
Seen LA Guns more times than I can count, and while it's great to see Tracii, it's not much of a loss with Stacey, Kerri, Brent, Billy or any other shredder that has some ability. Phil IS LA Guns. Marty, Jizzy, Paul - sorry, but they flat out can't compete with Phil's delivery of the songs. (my opinion of course) Would like to see the classic 5 guys - sure, but I'm just happy to be able to see these bands out there delivering the goods to us Sleaze Lovers in 2011 in a 2 day festival.
Do you ditch an old friend if they get divorced? No, you probably support them and help them pick up the pieces. They find a new mate, sometimes better - sometimes worse - you're still their friend - same type of thing.
See you all at the 2011 M3 Festival!
You're right, I concede, as I will be grooving on the music of Great White when I finally see 'em, but just wishing it was Jack Russell up there with 'em.
But on your point, "as long as it's with the original singer", that is what I'm talking about. At least, Guns has their original singer and same with several of the others.
But come on, is their one band on this M$ bill that's got their original or classic line-up going?
Special Note to Long Haired Rocker: Don't kill yourself. Keep going the way your going. Don't g*ve a sh*t what some idiot (myself) is venting out in the comments section on this site, which I do consider a privilege, believe me. I'm in a rantanous (is that a word? No.) mood over the lamo M$ line up as a pain in the a*s, unscrupulous fan who wants more bang for his buck. I'm still gonna go and I'm still gonna love it. As far as your predicament goes, one other way out for you creatively is go the Joe Lynn Turner/Carlos Cavaso route and try something new. Unless you gotta keep what you've got going for purely monetary purposes. That said, if you are the original or classic line-up singer, you get an automatic pass, as that maintains the original or classic sound of the band. If your singer split, you've got to put out a constant stream of new material that becomes the classic stuff, thus making your present line-up the coveted "classic" line-up or die tryin'. If you're going to sit on your duff and rely on your old hits, but with a different singer, you can do that, too. I love a tribute band that's a tribute to themselves as much as the next person. Then again, Sabbath and Purple managed to keep new, fresh and equally killer stuff coming out through several Marks and bandmate shuffling. Though you'll note the band they were admittedly aping, Zep, never did. Probably the best example of snapping out of a talespin when a lead singer or integral band member checked out would be AC/DC. Go to that level (though it's still not quite as good as the original, which the replacement readily admits as he dedicates his performance to the original). And you'll have cracked the code. But I'll never go as apesh*t over L.A. Guns without Tracii as with him, because no matter who Phil gets to replace him, he can't match Gun's unique sound. Phil also can't seem to take seriously putting out new material to rival the early stuff. So, it just becomes a tribute act to itself, which I've stated before. But I'll listen, watch point blank and I'll enjoy it. "I'm just sayin'" as you rap mimicking kidz love to say, hahaha! I'll see you punx in hell or at M$, whichever comes first!
Stay tuned...
Some wonderful retorts and stream of consciousness asides (even a touch of self-deprecating [perhaps ironic, perhaps not] humor). You and the creator of this site are what keeping me coming back . . . normally and, after this post, just to read and relax.
Can't take anything away from you and would never think to edit you.
It has (and will continue to be) fun. I only hope my travels bring me, like RocknAmerica this past summer, a bit closer to all these wonderful festivals.