James Durbin Performs Bon Jovi on 'American Idol'

This season of American Idol features rocker James Durbin. While other seasons have had quasi-rockers, James really seems to be true to his metal roots and I love that. So while James started a little slow on "I'll Be There For You," he really got going toward the end. Oh, and having Glam tunes delivered to the masses is never a bad thing, right?
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Reader Comments (10)
But as much as I want this guy to win and the fact that his voice is incredible, he won't get it because the American Idol television audience will not vote him in simply because his eyes aren't big enuff, believe it or not.
The predominant demographic who votes have the minds of three-year-olds and we all know 3-year-olds like their TV stars with big eyes, like cartoon characters.
That's why Clarkson/Underwood hybrid clone, Casey James, has the best shot right now. Not only because of her perfect hybrid "bubbly" persona, but because her look is also one of of comfortable familiarity (this audience is the kind to always gravitate toward something they've seen before).
These factors coupled with her shop-tested, perfectly mediocre singing ability, combined with the fact that she's singin' modern country crap -- also the predominant pop music of choice for the Idol voting television block -- means her victory is all but assured.
So, even tho I want Durbin to win, they just won't let a ROCKER win, especially a squinty-eyed one, simple as that. The hicks and redn*cks will prevail on this one, unfortunately.
Even tho country is easier to sing, people will ignore the vocal daring do from what's left of the real singers (remember the TV audience voted off better singers already because they were too quirky, or in one particular case, too huggy), in favor of the safe and familiar "country road". And if James (even her name is camera ready) unexpectedly flubs it and is voted off, we still have two more hick contenders to worry about.
Of course, I'm praying my predictions are wrong.
p.s. By the way, Clarkson sings circles around James.
Receptionist Rock!
In iTunes, as most of you know, you can classify your music by genre.
I always put "Rock" not "Metal" in that column when it comes to Bon Jovi.
I highly disagree on your assesment of the country audience Metalboy!, from the idols i've seen I skipped the past two though,hicks have not faired well, in fact the lovable redemption story feelgood story seems to prevail more often then not,(Fantasia, Taylor Hicks etc.) Carrie Underwood seemed to me as the only real country singer that i can think of right now that won. (correct me if I wrong on this, anyone) I really don't think the hick audience got Adam Lambert as far as he got. Believe me, i can be called a hick from the area i'm from and bubbly dopn't fly. Even rednecks aren't big on "Pop Country" Real Rednecks that is.Gimme some of that old time George "No Show" Jones!! "What My Woman Can't Do Can't Be Done!!!" lol
And there is the new "Roots" movement growing as was on full display on The Grammys broadcast just a little while ago.
What I don't like is the cheesy dumbed down LCD stuff that dominates the country scene today. It's dreck and it's embodied by the hicks on American Idol.
I love all kinds of music, but I don't care what kind of music it is, Country, Metal, Punk, Rap, Hip-Hop, Dance, Pop, you name it -- if it's stupid, I HATE it!