Rare Glam: Scarlet Fever

Be advised that Scarlet Fever is of the trash Glam variety and should therefore be right up the alley of a lot of people who frequent this site on a regular basis. I hear Poison, Kix and The London Quireboys here.
I haven't seen this album on eBay...I'm sure it is out there on the overpriced resale market somewhere...maybe you own a copy? Listen and let me know what you think.
Reader Comments (9)
p.s. I've been lookin' all over for this for quite awhile. If anyone wants to sell either the CD, album or even cassette version of this, I would be very interested. BTW, where the H*LL is everybody?! I ran 5 miles around the lake, swam 20 laps in the pool and went to Publix, yet I know to still check in here and, boy, am I glad I did! Just get a load of that album cover! Killarious! And they sound awesome!
The induction of Alice Cooper, among others, into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, which happened last Monday at The Waldorf Astoria in NYC, will finally air on Fuse tonight at 8 p.m.!
That's not the Scarlet Fever posted here.
If anyone has any REAL info on Scarlet Fever, please comment. In the meantime, I will put my feelerz out to those who might know -- people who, if anyone's gonna know, they are, and can give us some info on the band.