Bret Michaels Super Cruise Canceled, Statement Released

On Wednesday, it was announced that the Bret Michaels 'Rock Your World' Cruise was canceled. The cruise was set for this November and was supposed to sail out of Miami, Fla. Last night, Bret released a statement about what happened. Seems like a promoter-gone-wrong sort of situation. Here's the statement:
To my family, friends, MEGI employees, other entertainers and most importantly you, the fans, who have purchased tickets to the upcoming Bret Michaels "Rock Your World" Super Cruise:
Ninety-five percent of the time, in the entertainment business, you deal with great promoters and agents. However, there is always a five percent chance of someone or something not being on the up and up, as was the case with our promoter in Syracuse, whom I filed suit against and fought to get people's money refunded as best I could. In this case, the promoter, Willie Donwell, backed out of this event. He will not and cannot fulfill his contractual obligations. It has also come to my attention that Mr. Donwell has been involved in at least one other lawsuit of a similar nature in which he was sued by Prince. As a work for hire, I have always been and am ready still to perform as per my original contract. However, that option is not available as Mr. Donwell has attempted to release himself from his obligations and put his business dealings off on others. The goal was to give my fans the concert cruise experience of a lifetime and I have gone out of my way to do that. Even as late as yesterday I was on the radio with WMMR helping to promote this event.
As this is my first ever cruise, I want to reassure everyone that I have went out of my way to try and make this the best fan cruise on the high seas. Again, we are all victims of what I believe is a less-than-reputable promoter who apparently feels he can take advantage of both artists and fans. Know that I am working hard to right this wrong.
All money will be refunded to you by Shoreline Travel.
Bret Michaels
If any of my readers were planning on attending this cruise, you have my sympathy. Having a vacation canceled just plain sucks. At least it seems like you'll get your money back.
Here's a video of Bret performing "Every Rose Has Its Thorn" with Kenny Chesney in Cincinnati a few days ago:
Reader Comments (10)
Still, when I go see Crue this summer, I will most certainly be making a beer run during their set, as I can not stand the music or Bret's celebrity career.