Winger, Dukakis and 'Mouth to Mouth'

Holy Glam! I found some ancient footage of Winger on MTV more than twenty years ago. The show, Mouth to Mouth was filmed in 1988. The people in the crowd are holding Michael Dukakis signs! (Incidentally, when I was in elementary school, we had student voting and I pulled the lever for Dukakis. I digress). So anyway, this MTV Mouth to Mouth interview is hilarious and we learn that Kip's favorite Winger tune is "Seventeen."
And, by the way, who named the show Mouth to Mouth? Bloody hell.
Part 1
Part 2
Reader Comments (10)
But the way Kippy always carried himself, you'd think he was the biggest thing that ever hit the face of the earth.
Gotta say, though Winger may not exactly be my cup of tea, he and his band, Reb Beach, et al, turned in a flawless set at M3 two years ago. AND, gotta hand it to him, he did say, at the conclusion of their set, "Get ready for my favorite band comin' up! Kix!"
Maybe he's mellowed over time. Still, Beavis & Butthead will never cut him a break, nor, probably, will I.
p.s. I, too, pulled the lever for Dukakis, but for real, as it was my first time voting. If only Bush Sr.'s "Karl Rove", the uber-evil political dirty trickster, Lee Atwater, hadn't created
the infamous "Willie Horton" ad, completely distorting the truth and singlehandedly killing any hopes of Dukakis winning, which is
a shame, as he would have been a much better President than the Bush creeps who wound up destroying our country.