Orianthi Joined Alice Cooper's Band!

One of my favorite guitarists, Orianthi Panagaris, is now playing for Alice Cooper! Orianthi replaces Damon Johnson on the lead guitar duties for the Coop. If you don't know Orianthi, be sure to check her out - she's absolutely amazing.
I saw Alice Cooper live for the first time at Rock the Bayou something like four years ago. Alice's show was my favorite of the entire fest and I made it a point to see him live again as many times as possible. I can't even imagine the new energy Orianthi will bring to the band and the live show. I bet the addition of Orianthi - famous for playing in the Michael Jackson movie This Is It - will draw more people to the Cooper shows, too.
I wonder how long the Cooper-Orianthi pairing has been in the works? After all, the two shared a stage a couple years ago on American Idol.
Reader Comments (16)
Orianthi is an amazing guitarist, & she's quite easy to look at,too! I hope she stays part of Coop's touring band for a while!
Saw her a few years ago at Paul Reed Smith's Annual Shindig jammin' out in a booth for the amps she was playin'. Shame on me for not rememberin' the brand. This was before all the hype, the Michael Jackson gig and her solo album, etc.
And before I was screamin' Lambert shoulda made a legit Glam Metal album with her as his lead guitarist!
She was just blazin' the blues and you just knew she was gonna make it!
She's gonna kill with Alice!
Snooze ya lose, Adam! Where are you now? Had ya teamed up with her, ya might made a legit Glam album with her at your side!
ENGL...a fine little boutique amplifier, Metalboy.
Currently the amp of choice for Vivian Campbell, Paul Stanley, Craig Goldie, & a batch of others.
So glad the news about Orianthi is correct. For all of you sideshow skeptics and armchair air guitarists out there, chances are if Allyson posts it, it is 100% accurate info.
This ain't TMZ ("M" for Metal") or Star magazine -- Huh-uh-lo-oh!!!
p.s. Tony! I wish Lambert all the best. that boy can belt it out with the best of 'em. I just wish he would Rock Out more, and someone like her could certainly help him do it. But, for now, we'll just have to see (and hear, no doubt) what he comes up with.
p.s.s.t. Did anybody see Lady GaGa on the MTV Music Video Awards? Now, that's what I call "Killing two bird with one stone" -- actually probably more than two birds, if you really think about it. Beyond the meaning of the song she performed, her outfit and little act she did was really a message of tolerance and the best part is how she totally Rocked it out by bringing out Brian May from Queen to ensure everyone's face was properly blown out. The shots of unsuspecting, manufactured, freshly buffed to a pop sheen popmeisters of the minute like Bieber in the audience as May cranked it out were priceless. Arena Shock Rock!!! All the way.
geez Hendrix is turning in his grave to butcher quite easy but mindblowing song like that with useless and stupid guitar wankery.
Huh-uh-lo-oh!!! It's called ROCK Guitar!
I spent the good portion of an hour watchin' tons of clips of her, from live feeds to stuff captured on cell phones in studio lobbies to massive shows just to make sure I wasn't imagining things...
Alice Cooper knows what he's doing and it's not solely a marketing ploy. He's not just hiring her for her pretty face and youth. He's hiring her cuz she can play the h*ll oughtta the thing.
Maybe her thing just isn't your thing. Her style of play is more 80's Glam Metal, which is what this site is mainly devoted too. Sounds like your bag is more about 70's Classic Rock. She will totally 80's up "Eighteen" and "Billion Dollar Babies".
To your point, she's no Glen Buxton, nor is she trying to be. She has a reverence for the stuff and will also crank it up a little more.
Face it-- No question about it -- She ROCKS!!!
p.s. Maybe you'll change your mind if you catch her live with Alice.