Songs Bands Regret the Most?

I suspect all bands that have been around awhile have at least one song they regret recording, let alone releasing. There are songs that were duds out of the gate. Don't forget the tunes that just sound dated and embarrassing these days... and then there's those attempts where bands tried to drastically alter their sound in an effort to appear "current."
When I think of songs bands might regret, my mind immediately goes to Motley Crue and "Brandon." Continually mocked, the song is basically a dud. I know Tommy Lee wrote the tune when he was emotional and happy at the birth of his son Brandon... but the song doesn't exactly fit Motley, now does it? Other regrettable duds off the top of my head? Well, there's Bon Jovi's entire Bounce album.
A long time ago, Yahoo! Music selected Poison's "Every Rose Has Its Thorn" as the most embarrassing song of the 80s. Now "most embarrassing" and "most regrettable" are not exactly interchangeable, but close. I completely disagree with Yahoo! and I actually think "Rose" is one of the most iconic songs of the 80s, but I digress. We're talking about songs we think bands regret today... so give 'em to me: what are your thoughts?
Reader Comments (20)
And Allyson, Youre CRAZY. The Bon Jovi BOUNCE record is AWESOME!!!!
doesnt get much worse than that
And here it is - Little James!
See my list for Al's more recent "One Hit Wonders" post. I bet most of those are songs the bands regret most, even if they were their biggest meal tickets.
p.s. OTSK!