This Is Metal, Ya'll

Iron Maiden is on our tour and it doesn't get much more metal than that, right? I've been enjoying the live clips as they pop up on YouTube. Like most of the bigger tours this summer, Iron Maiden is bypassing my area. Are you going to see this tour?
Here's "Seventh Son of a Seventh Son"
"The Number of the Beast"
Reader Comments (15)
Personally, as most of you know, I really only like one song from these greasers -- "Can I Play With Madness". Their mistake is relying on Steve Wotzisname so heavily for the songwriting.
After giving Christian so much sh*t for never posting and threatening to go on strike over it, I found out it was because he was sick.
Then I had to travel on business for three days with literally no time to comment and I was happy to see I might as well just retire because, going back through all of the comments made on all of Al's (and special guests) great posts I missed out on, so many of those reader's barbs are so awesome, so well written, that, even if I don't agree with them, they are far better than anything little ol' me could write.
p.s. And, of course, I had to go back in time to the ones I missed to make my usual ill informed (hahaha!!!) comments on every last one of them. I am especially impressed by the spirited debate that's been taking place on HIM's "The America Rocks Tour 2012 -- Live Review" post. Best comments I've seen on this site bar none! I think it's up to 31 comments or so and in this particular case, they all make extra points for above average "QOI" -- Quality Of Insight. I'll be going back in there, too, later today if anyone cares to join me, after I eat brunch with this blonde airhead who's never even heard of Iron Maiden. Ah, Bliss!
p.s. I also REALLY like Dickinson's solo effort, "Tattoed Millionaire", as many of you already know. Now that's Rock and Roll!
Of course, the difference is the glaring fact that you actually like these Neanderthals. Still, I suppose I should go if the opportunity presents itself since these guys are probably headin' to Tampa anyway.