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Tom Keifer Is Doing a Solo Tour

Tom Keifer is heading out on his first ever solo tour in Feburary. He'll play 14 cities in small venues. The tour will act as a preview of his long-awaited solo disc The Way Life Goes. He'll play Cinderella tunes as well. Here's the tour dates:

Feb. 09 - Winston-Salem, NC - Ziggy's
Feb. 11 - New York, NY - Highline Ballroom
Feb. 13 - Philadelphia, PA - JC Dobbs
Feb. 15 - Pittsburgh, PA - Altar Bar
Feb. 16 - Salisbury, MA - Blue Ocean
Feb. 17 - Portland, ME - Asylum
Feb. 19 - Cleveland, OH - Peabody's
Feb. 22 - Lincolnshire, IL - Viper Alley
Feb. 23 - Lexington, KY - Busters
Feb. 24 - Detroit, MI - Magic Bag
Feb. 26 - Grand Rapids, MI - The Intersection
Feb. 27 - Cincinnati, OH - 20th Century Theater
Feb. 28 - White Marsh, MD - House of Rock

Reader Comments (22)

Cool! I'd go see that if I lived in the States,
January 3, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSnoot
I thought Cinderella is like the solo act for Keifer..
January 3, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterZB
even at the height of Glam not many people came here -no chance these days.
January 3, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterRed6ixx
It seems like a long time coming. One of Metal's true Rock and Rollers!
January 3, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Love him.

But? Will he be able to sing? Touring northeast & Midwest in winter? Hmm, I saw him in the summer 2 years ago and he was sick and as a result the show sucked. Sorry Tom, can't drive an hour to NYC to risk you having a cold.
January 3, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKixchix
Closest to me is Philly,and it's on a Wednesday night.I start work at 2:30 am, so unfortunately I don't see it happenig for me,which sux. I'd love to see him in a small setting, such as the one he's playing that night. And like Kixchix pointed out, it's also in the middle of February,which in my neck-o-the woods pretty much equates to Antarctica, only with (slightly) better restaurants.....LOL
January 3, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterGary
Cinderella is one of my favorite bands, but to me Tom just does not sound the same. I know he had vocal problems and surgery, but he does not have the voice he had before. The last few times I have seen them in concert, the vocals were bad and somewhat garbled to the point you couldn't understand the words. I don't know whether it was the sound or Tom.
January 3, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJN
I saw him on The Monsters of Rock Cruise, Shiprocked! and M3 a few years ago and his voice was KILLER ALL 3X! AND his guitar, keyboard and even sax playing! Not only that, the band was firing on all pistons right down to the perfectly timed axe twirling of Le Bar and Wittingham.

Regardless, maybe this solo tour will give him the chance to sing more than scream, too! I mean, listen to his voice at the very beginning of each of the songs "Heartbreak Station", "Coming Home", or "Winds of Change", for example, before he goes all crazy with his trademark screaming banshee thing. His voice is really quite, well, beautiful!

Maybe that's the voice he's taking with him on this tour and giving the screaming banshee a rest. How beautiful would that be?
January 3, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
I agree Metalboy.....Ive seen him a couple times since his voice has healed. M3 and at Rams Head Live...both times..he has sounded very good. He does not scream as much and sings his lyrics much more. I think seeing him would be cool on a solo gig. I'll check em out in MD.
January 3, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBrian L.
Hear! Hear! Brian L. So much so, I actually walked right up to the guy on The Monsters of Rock Cruise while he was standing alone at the counter waiting for his burger in the ship's cafeteria a few hours before their performance.

I "soul" shook his hand and said, "You're a legend." "What?", he queried, as it was hard to hear over the din and clang of cafeteria noise. I repeated the statement and with that, he grabbed my hand and pulled it to his heart and said, "Thanks, man".

I'm just glad it seemed he was able to sense that, as far as I was concerned, I was telling him the truth!
January 3, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Awesome, may have to do a lttile bit of travelling to catch a show on this tour but it will be well worth it. Would LOVE to get some new Cinderella in the future, but this will hold me over. Hey MB, it's Brittingham, not Wittingham.
January 3, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJeff
Cinderella was my first US show and they sucked. Seen them since and he sounded great. I'm glad he's over his throat issues. I am looking forward to buying this CD.
January 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterChristian
Doh! I knew that! Sorry I couldn't find you in the Proofreading Department when I wrote that bullsh*t at 2 a.m! To be honest, like during Football Season, I can't keep track of half these people's names, let alone which alias I'm using after the next foiled bank heist. Tell you what, you keep track of the f*cking names, I'll keep track of how much better they are, whoever they are, than the faceless clowns of Iron Maidenform.

Now, as I was saying...

BRITTINGHAM, Schmittingham, one thing's for sure, that guy friggin' ROXX B*LLZ ROYALE, my friend.

Beyond his totally pro bass playing -- always got a total kick out of his stagecraft with the whole "in-unison" guitar twirling thing he does with second banana (though quite good) guitarist, Jeff LeBar -- Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they call that showmanship, or even better, "flash", something largely missing from more traditional (read "boring") Metal acts, i.e. Iron Fade-on or Fretallica, Brittingham's an affable, if not a tad, shall we say, "self confident" character.

Ever notice what a rail with long, blonde flowing hair that guy used to be. Now he's a badda*s, fat f*ck, secret member of a Motorcycle Gang lookin' dude. Thankfully, he,kept the flash", though!

The cool thing about The Monsters of Rock Cruise is the impromptu opportunities to see our heroes (whatever their damn names are) in cool situations that might not normally arise in the more typical festival scenario (Remember, it's a ship -- basically, other than the option of going into port, these guys aren't going anywhere).

So, midway through watching Faster Pussycat in the Pigalle Lounge for the second night (Got to see 'em 3 -- Count 'em -- 3! times on that cruise!), suddenly, Taime Downe says to the audience, "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a special guest joining us this evening... and here he is, Mr. Eric BRITTINGHAM.

With that, BRITTINGHAM humbly walks onstage (which was the size of a postage stamp), straps on Danny (let me make sure I'm spelling this right) N-O-R-D-A-H-L's bass (Nordahl then strapped on a second guitar) and proceeds to join the band to burn through an incendiary cover of The Stooges, "Search And Destroy". KILLER!

Huh-uh-lo-oh! Do any of you Iron Maidenhood "Johns" even know who the Stooges are?


Hell, I bet Steve Ferris doesn't even know, either.
January 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Oh, and while we're at it, let's get the year started off right with A Criticism of "Christian"'s Criticism...

Okay, pal... I love it when you say something "sucks" like we're supposed to just take your word for it (which is a real struggle when you say a band like Cheap Trick, who had such an impact on Rock and Roll as opposed to historically inconsequential acts like Pickleback or Tin Maiden).

Try a little more explanation when you make such a proclamation. That said, it is great to have you back commenting more steadily (now, substantially more than once a year, hooray!), primarily just so I can have one of my more formidable opponents to mess with more regularly on here.

Metalboy! has spoken!
January 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Metalboy! is speaking in tongues again...

Regarding my observations about Christian's frequent use of the word "sucks"...

Correction: ... When you say "that about" a band like Cheap Trick... (Insert the words "that about" as shown accordingly).

New Year's Resolution: Use "Preview Post" more for the above reason, for example, plus the added bonus of being doubly sure I continue to misspell the names of only the hack bands you like, as well as their equally hack band member's names, hahaha!!!
January 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Metalboy! - Bruce Dickenson has been an Olympic fencer, a commercial jet pilot, in addition to being the lead singer of "Iron Maiden" (although I love all the name variations you used in the above posts alone). You are so creative. In my opinion, he deserves some respect for all those accomplishments, as most people don't accomplish half of that in one lifetime.

On Tom Kiefer, I saw him and the boys open for Scorpions back in the summer of 2010 and he sounded great. He looked pissed off that night but his voice was in fine form so I was pretty impressed, considering the cancelled tour in /08 (I think that's when it was) and all his voice issues. I think he could do less screaming too but he does do it like nobody else, so for that he deserves some points.

And, finally, Happy New Year to everyone on BBG.
January 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterRita
Rita! There you are, my Metal Darling. I don't care if someone is a frickin' astronaut off stage, though I did find it interesting when Martin Scorcese sent out a search for Daniel Day Lewis after the actor disappeared off the face of the earth for 6 years, when Scorcese was casting Bill "The Butcher" in "The Gangs of New York". They found him working in Rome as a cobbler's apprentice. Now that guy's a REAL talent.

No matter what the hell the background is on the performer is, I wanna see the magic on stage!

That said, Dickinson is a bit of an enigma.

The crap he sings in Iron Maid Service SUCKS, to borrow a phrase from the intrepidly stubborn Nicklesack freak, Christian, save for a few cases where Steve Harris accidentally spilled liquid gold from his ink well (i.e. "Can I Play With Madness").

And that is unfortunate as Dickinson really is quite an accomplished singer. Fortunately, however, there is one piece of indisputable evidence of "The Dick"'s (as he's affectionately called in The U.K.) enormous talents...

Behold the way Dickinson was meant to be heard (in other words, not in Iron Maybenot) -- Listen to him on his 1990 Masterpiece, "Tattoed Millionaire", an album so vastly superior to any of the dreck Steve Haira*s has ever forced him to "sing". My personal fave is his scorching version of AC/DC's oft overlooked "Sin City" from that album, or should I say, Magnum Opus!
January 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
This is exciting news, but I wish he were playing closer to Wisconsin.

I've asked this on a previous thread, but didn't get an answer, so I shall try again. Does he having a backing band, or is this just him and a guitar? If he does have a crew, does anyone know who?

I just missed Kip Winger a bit ago on his acoustic tour and I'm still kicking myself.
January 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJohnny Mac
Ahhh....theres the MB we all know and love. And to think it only took 4 days into the new year, lol. Merely pointing it out, not meant to have a long drwan out explanation but whatever, I expected more out of you!
January 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJeff
Let me break it down for you, Jeff...

Tom Keifer = Original legendary talent.

Bruce Dickinson = Mediocre vocal stylist.
January 5, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!

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