New Band Alert - Bloody Heels

Want some new Glam? Enter Bloody Heels from Northern Europe. This new band actually took the time to produce a high quality video for their song "Hungry For Your Love." I believe these guys have a lot of potential. They surely wear their love for Glam on their collective sleeves, right? Just check out their hair, clothes... and guitar solos!
Reader Comments (22)
However, I'm with Ace and DJ. Nothing terribly unique going on here.
Still, I think Allyson is right in that they show a lot of potential.
And I know what ya mean with the whole AOR thing, Bob and Gary, though Ace, these guys aren't as far gone as Survivor down that path.
For me, though, the main problem isn't lack of originality or too many keyboards. It's really the guy's voice more than anything that's holding BLOODY HEELS. If he had a higher, ballsier voice, like say, the dude fronting STATION (Amazing Rock-It!), it would take them a lot further. Then they would just need better songwriting.
Regardless, what the hell, I am glad to see them faithfully carrying the torch to Bring Back Glam!
If they had any shred of conviction in their performances, they'd sound like NASTY IDOLS or something. Which would be an improvement.
Nobody really buys CD's anymore.
There will be no more landmark albums.
No more real rock stars (Kurt Cobain being the last one & he's been dead for almost 20 years). "Nevermind" was the last CD to come out and shake things up (close to 23 years ago). All the successful Creed's & Nickleback's since have been safe/predictable.
Teens were the major factor as to why all of the bands we love had huge success in the past.
Back in the day when bands blew up it was because teens went out in droves to but the new album/tape/CD.
Teens used to buy magazines like Metal Edge, Rip and Creem etc. We wanted to know everything about the bands.
Holding a album/tape/CD w/badass covers, cool band pictures & rebellious lyrics to look at is a lot more exciting way to spread the word about a band to your friends.
Having a tiny device w/random songs on it doesn't hold the same allure.
MTV was a major factor in the rise of all the big 80's/early 90's metal bands & "Headbangers Ball" was the show to watch.
MTV today only plays music videos from 4AM to 6AM & every single one is either rap or club music & sadly "Teen Mom" is the show to watch.
Most teens these days could care less if they bought another CD & only care about buying a disposable song for $1 to put on there Ipod or MP3 player or whatever.
Everything new is so disposable these days to where nothing is special anymore. When you hear about some new band having a big selling itunes song, it's just something you hear, it's not tangible. Buying the physical copy of a bands album made it special. Still to this day I can remember what store I bought "Dr Feelgood" from or how I skipped school to buy "In Utero". Nobody's gonna look back fondly on the time they downloaded some song while sitting at home.
Music isn't as special as it used to be.
It's all about the total package, the CD, the posters hanging on your bedroom wall that you ripped out of metal magazines, MTV being all about the music etc. Looking at stuff on the internet doesn't give off the same energy.
That's why Nirvana was the last band to give metal a kick in the ass. Soon after Kurt committed suicide "Headbangers Ball" was cancelled and MTV started airing reality shows and less videos. All the metal magazines started going out of business. N Sync and Backstreet Boys became all the rage and now rap and country have ruled the charts for more than a decade. Most teens now ask "Are you a DJ' instead "Do you play guitar"
It's going to take something ridiculously special for a metal band to really shake things up like the greats of yesterday.
I'm pretty confident we will never see another band change and shape the course of rock like the Sex Pistols did in the 70's. Motley did in the 80's. Nirvana did in the 90's. This has been the longest drought in the history of rock. All those bands had a certain mystery and edge to them, we haven't seen the likes of in 15/20 years.
Granted, there's no new Glam Metal being played on MTV or it's sister stations but you DO have "Metal Mania" airing for hours late night quite frequently on VH1Classic along with "That Metal Show" which has it's moments.
Also, there are tons of great new bands like Crash Diet, Black Veil Brides, The Treatment, The Darkness and Reckless Love, etc. that are ROCKIN'!
At least we can ROCK OUT to them while we wait for the next Cobain.
Corey Who?
And the closest Grohl ever got to Cobain was standin' next to him during the band photo ops.