Sevendust, 'Black Out The Sun' -- Album Review

What can said about Sevendust that has not already been stated before? One of the hardest working bands out there today, road warriors, consistently releasing strong albums and putting on powerful live performances, but yet that next level of success seems to elude them, no matter how well deserved. The latest effort by the band, Black Out The Sun, is just one more example of a band that delivers and deserves more recognition.
Black Out The Sun is a solid album. From the powerful opening riff on "Faithless," the band shows what they do better than anyone else out there, and that is heavy syncopated rhythms with a forceful drive that can only be achieved by a band that works so well together as a unit. What would sound forced and over-rehearsed by so many others sounds natural to Sevendust. The album remains strong throughout, with the right mix of heavy ("Till Death") to catchy rhythm ("Mountain") to the introspective ("Got A Feeling"). Sevendust definitely has a formula to what they do, but they continue to improve upon that year after year.
If you are already a fan of the band, then you know what to expect, and they do not disappoint. If you are new to the band, then what better time to jump on board? Between Black Out The Sun, and the prior album, Cold Day Memory, Sevendust have clearly hit their stride and really can do no wrong. Sevendust should not be the best kept secret in heavy music... they should be a headlining act in a shed on one of the summer music tours. The rest of world needs to wake up!
So everyone, pick up your sharpie and circle March 26, 2013 on your calendars, and then when the day finally rolls around, run out to pick up your physical copy or (legally) download your copy of Black Out The Sun. You will be glad that you did. Then, when the band rolls through your town on their current tour (with a reunited Coal Chamber), make sure you are in attendance (I know I will be seeing them AT LEAST twice). Sevendust has worked hard to get everything they have, but they have earned more.... give it to them!
First single, "Decay"
Reader Comments (16)
Sorry kids, I just don't get it. To me, they sound like a drunk Eddie Vedder fronting Slayer produced by The Edge.
p.s. I was seated at the bar of the sushi restaurant aboard the MSC Poesia for the first Shiprocked! and the joint was packed with the Rock "Glitterati" of the cruise... Vince Neil and Dana Strum with their "Blondtourage" (as Allyson so adroitly named them), the just okay as a human being, Jeff Keith and jacka*s extraordinaire (trust me), Frank Hannon from Teslugh plus their wives, AND ever the opportunist and tone deaf, Lajon Witherspoon, lead singer of this very limited in talent and utterly mediocre band, Sevendust, accompanied by his new wife.
That last detail being so obvious because she shamelessly flashed her new rock to Mrs. Hannon and Keith and everyone else in the room in her sight line.
This became so annoying at one point, even The Blondtourage, professional annoying people, became offended.
At one point during the course of the evening, Witherspoon approached Vince Neil to introduce himself. Neil responded (if you could call it that) with the limpest handshake one could ever muster and the lamest "Uh Huh" ever delivered by a Rock Star.
Maybe it was the bling-bling of the ring and the cackle-cackle of the wives or the fact that Witherspoon startled Neil when he dared to approach him, since Neil knew full well Witherspoon has no regard for Mötley Crüe whatsoever, thus causing Neil to nearly choke on his Spicy Tuna Roll... But for once in Neil's poor decrepit miserable existence of an excuse for a life, his response was appropriate.
Addendum: During Sevendust's performance, they broke into a mock Glam Metal riff a la Def Leppard that just sounded amazing! But then, they abruptly stopped and laughed it off, dismissing it as a joke. Little did they know, in all their blindly ignorant arrogance, the joke was on them.
"What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."
It's cool if you don't like Sevendust's music, but to say that Lajon is "tone deaf" is just stupid. That little dude has more power AND melody in his voice than Vince Neil could ever dream of. The ability to sing in key isn't really much of a subjective argument. You may not like a "singer's" vocal style, but in the end, either they can carry a tune or they can't. I might think Firehouse is one of the cheesiest bands of their genre, but I have no problem saying that I think C.J. Snare is a good singer. You obliviously has no real clue about Sevendust's music or you'd know there are plenty of melodic moments on any of their records -especially on 'Seasons', which was produced by a hook master, Butch Walker. You know, that guy from the glam band.
I'm also guessing someone in the mighty Mötley Crüe must think that there might be a hint of talent in Sevendust. Otherwise, they wouldn't have asked Morgan Rose to fill in for Tommy Lee a couple summers ago when Lee was unable to play.
Finally, for the record, the guys in Sevendust love glam and 80'a rock. Do a little Googling and check out their covers of Alice Cooper and Twisted Sister. So while you might think they were poking fun at it during their show, I'm sure it was the exact opposite. It usually works out better when you talk shit about bands and music you actually know something about.
Okay, so I may not have characterized it as accurately as I should have... How about this for a more accurate description: Darius Rucker meets Eddie Vedder fronting Slayer with Butch Walker producing.
Perhaps if they got Desmond Child, who produced Walker's band, Southgang, they might have a hope in hell of sounding better, but you'll never get around Witherspoon's yodeling unless he's replaced, which will never happen since he is the BAND.
As far as me "showing off", DICK, I'm recounting a story as it's relevant to the subject at hand. I find myself in these kinds of situations quite by accident simply by living my life to the fullest, even if I usually wind up broke as a result.
And I am also glad to hear they're into Alice Cooper and Twisted Sister, since whatever covers they do of theirs are most certainly better than anything of their original material. And we do agree on Firehouse. Snare is phenomenal!
But that's simply not the case with Sevensucks, as Witherspoon doesn't have nearly the chops of Snare. And, though I do also find Firehouse quite cheesy, THAT'S EXACTLY one of the reasons why I like 'em! Whereas, regardless of their covers of Cooper and Twisted, Sevendust is quite devoid of humor, intentional or not. They take themselves way too seriously which usually leads to one inevitable outcome over and over again... BORING!!!
Once again, you guys reveal you're Metalheads for the sake of being Metalheads, unconditionally loving any crap like this, never pausing to decipher good Metal from bad. Megadeth is good. Motörhead is good. Pre-"... And Justice For All" Metallica is good. Anthrax sucks (except for their covers, of course). Slayer sucks. Post Glam Era Pantera sucks (generally, though not completely) and so does Sevenduff.
But, like I said, nice logo.
7D rules and while this single isn't strong, there albums always have better songs.
Next is their worst album though. Seriously skip.
It's subjective, but I told ya, I saw these clowns point blank and trust me, they were terrible.
I know we can't agree on all styles and bands, but for those of you not familiar with this band, check them out; you will not be disappointed!
Looking forward to their new CD. By the way, I'm an old glam-metal fan, who will be at Monsters of Rock cruise and M3 this year.
Granted, Sevendust are a live band that many may not like/appreciate/understand. I get that. I also respect that you don't like them as a band. Cool. But maybe you might work toward grasping the simple idea that it's possible to be respectful and have an opinion simultaneously. Put the shoe on the other foot, and see how it fits. Maybe you're outlook in life will improve as a result.
All this said, feel free to troll it up if you feel the need to make up for that unfulfilled face staring you back in the mirror every morning.