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Monsters of Rock Announces 2016 Dates

Porting from Miami next February 22-26, 2016, the Monsters of Rock Cruise will sail aboard Norwegian Cruise Line’s Pearl. Looks like bands confirmed so far are Queensryche, Kingdom Come, Helix, John Corabi and Killer Dwarfs. Monsters of Rock will also do a fall cruise out of California in 2016. So far, no bands listed for that yet. Leaving out of a California port makes a lot of sense. All the music cruises do south Florida but adding a West Coast vibe will help bring in new passengers I think.

Reader Comments (13)

Crazy though of the day.. What if Mick Mars attended with John Corabi...
March 12, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterShawn
Cool idea John,but I think all that sun would fry Mick like a vampire! Lol. He's got got more of a moon tan thing going on,so they'd have to perform indoors or late at night,although it'd be really banging to see
March 13, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterGary
If Kingdom Come is on, I'll fly all the way to Cali for it!

And like Ally, sez, being an Easterner myself, the vibe will be s nice change of pace. I'd much rather hang out with a bunch of Californians than d*cks like me.

Of course, if Kingdom Come is going to tour the East Coast, I may pass, especially when it's announced cruise whores, TeslUGH! will undoubtedly be on it!
March 13, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
We can only dream The Mighty Tesla will be on every MOR cruise. Some believe its their birth right! Ripper agrees!
March 14, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterJackT.Ripper
Hahaha!!!, Ripper! You are the kind of Metal fan that will perpetuate Metal's largest subgenre, of which TeslUGH! are kings... 'Mediocre Metal", with the likes of Mr. Big, Extreme and other sh*t acts...

In fact, you could call those 3 bands "The Triumvirate of Mediocre Metal"! It's nice for the world and I'm sure it's of great comfort for TeslUGH! to know they are in such esteemed company with you as their dedicated and passionate pied piper!
March 14, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Thinking a little bit more about the fact the cruise is now departing from L.A....

This could pose a real opportunity to possibly see some totally killer 80's/early 90's era L.A. Glam Metal bands who occasionally do reunion shows at The Whisky such as Wildside and Junkyard, among others.

Why? Because these cats only have to drive 15 to 20 minutes from their homes to The Port of L.A.

I wouldn't be surprised if RATT might even get back together for this. And I can certainly see Hardcore Superstar and other Swedish Glam Metal bands on it, since they've also played the strip.

p.s. I'm sure I'm not the only one, but I recommended the booking agent get Kingdom Come last year when it was announced the original line-up is getting back together. That's the other cool thing about Wildside and Junkyard... All original line-ups would more than likely be on board.
March 14, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Bring on Hardcore Superstar for the cruise and I'll be there 100%. That's what MOR cruise needs, the new blood of this genre. They should promote the bands of today that are trying to bring the rock back 80s style. It should be a mix of classic and newer bands. There are a ton of European bands that would mix in with our 80s heroes perfectly like HEAT, CRASHDÏET, Sister Sin, Bullet, Reckless Love, Eclipse, Santa Cruz, Crazy Lixx and on and on. We gotta stick together to bring rock back to the mainstream!
March 14, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterRockingmark
Rockingmark! Hear, hear... Bring in the new blood, too!... Crashdiet, Hardcore Superstar, Reckless Love, Santa Cruz, Crazy Lixx, etc., etc.
March 15, 2015 | Unregistered Commentermetalboy!
Ripper totally agrees with HARDCORE SUPERSTAR, but lets not forget THE MIGHTY TESLA! Sacremento boys!
March 15, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterJackT.Ripper
Thankfully, Sacramento also spawned a truly legendary artist, vastly more talented than any of the jokers in TeslUGH!

NME dubbed him the Jimmy Page of sampling...

The one, the only, DJ Shadow.

See you on The Monsters of Rock Cruise, Ripper. We can raise a glass in celebration of the legendary Kingdom Come's reunion and experience what will surely be a truly incendiary show put on by them. And while you're busy worshipping TeslUGH! at the altar of Metal Mediocrity, I will be napping in my cabin, getting ready for the next show actually worth seeing, and that won't be TeslUGH!'s fellow boring brethren, Whinery Dolts.
March 15, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Saw Kingdome Come in 1988 MOR at the Meadowlands in NJ. ZZZZZFEST! But Ripper will stay open minded and check them out with ya! Who knows after we can go hang with Frank Hannon and clear the bad air!!! Shots on Da Ripper!
March 16, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterJackT.Ripper
Hahaha!!! There's no bad air to clear, Ripper! Hannon has no idea about his misdeeds. You've got to remember, since he informed everyone in the Sushi Bar of the Cruiseship that he's a Rockstar, he still believes that to be so. Why burst his bubble now?

As for Kingdom Come, saw 'em twice... Once in L.A. and once at Hammerjack's and both times, they blew the doors and roof off the venue.

Then again, the steeple on The Monster's of Rock Cruise, which should really be dubbed The TeslUGH! Fan Club Cruise at this point, go apesh*t over TeslUGH! even though they're SO boring.

Regardless, we will have lots of laffs over our diverging points of view regarding your Heroes from Sacramento!
March 16, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Not that impressed yet with West Coast line up, living in California seems that it should be alot better what about Steel Panther lets Hollywood this Gig. Irvine cat house show in August has a Great line up maybe you guys should ck it out, have friends in Cali right now keep checking for better bands like Steve Vai.
June 29, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterRock n Roll Laurie

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