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Steven Tyler Signs New Record Deal

Apparently Steven Tyler just signed a deal with Big Machine Label Group... to make a country album. I can't even with this news. I mean, are you kidding me? Tyler announced months ago his intent to go country, but was then silent on the matter... I sort of hoped it was a phase. Apparently not since he moved to Nashville and is apparently really working on the project. According to Billboard, the album will likely come out next winter. Good grief.


Reader Comments (11)

It'll be more country than 90% of the crap played on mainstream country radio right now. But it still won't be country. Or that's what I'm guessing anyway.

I grew up listening to AC/DC and George Strait. Def Leppard and Alabama. In a rural Texas town, that's just what we did.

I read a site dedicated to real country music decrying this move as much as Allyson seems to hate it. And for different reasons.

Me? Eh, whatever. Tyler will make some money, appear on the country awards shows, gain some more exposure and then go sell out stadiums with Aerosmith. In a 24 hour news cycle, this will be yesterday's news today.
March 14, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterThe Cheap Seats
Apparently, Steven would like to continue to actually sell records. Because Aerosmith's last CD ceased to sell much of anything. Country fans don't tend to steal music as much, I guess. If it comes off as genuine, more power to you, Steven. If it reeks of sell out, just retire, Steve... you've had a long run, no shame in packing it in.
March 14, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterAce Steele
Country is easy.... To make..... To sell..... To sing.

Steven just being Steven. Huge market. It's not money anymore. Steven wants to remain relevant & FAMOUS. Where's Liv?

Let him be. He'll be back!

Remember when priest was irrelevant in 1992 (just like many of our beloveds)? Halford went all hardcore with Fight (loved it); waited out grunge and gloriously came back when people were hungry for JP again.
March 14, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterKixchix
I would rather listen to country than speed metal or some other music genres any day. That's just me.

As I posted before, it is surprisingly easy to switch gears from glam and metal to "good" Country. I spent a good 10 years listening to almost nothing but what they used to call New Country. Still love me some Toby Keith now and then, but don't really listen to it much nowadays.

So I'm neutral on this news and will definitely give it a listen, if anything out of pure curiosity.
March 14, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterRita
Lets face it. Most of the "new country" Lynyrd Skynyrd and The Outlaws were doing 40 years ago. It's basically poppy southern rock,which to me isn't really a bad thing,as I loved Skynyrd,Molly Hatchet, Some really talented musicians in the genre nowadays (Brad Paisley can absolutely set a guitar neck on fire). So if Tyler feels the need to branch out and give it a whirl,more power to him. You've had a double bill of Eric Church and Halestorm touring,so the boundaries have been smashed.Go for it Steven.As was stated by Rita,I'll check it out even if it's just out of curiosity.
March 14, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterGary
"Tyler will make some money, appear on the country awards shows, gain some more exposure and then go sell out stadiums with Aerosmith."

Lmfao. Thanks for the early morning comedy, yo!
March 14, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterbkallday
Anything to stay relevant I guess.
March 14, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterJeff
Yee Haw!

A 65-year-old Country Singer via Boston!

Thing is, Tyler is SO talented, he just might be able to pull it off.

I'm tempted to be "Jaded" about it, but if it rings authentic, it could actually work. In fact, I can hear a Country remake of "Jaded" right now.

Think countrified Stones when they were influenced by Gram Parsons or "Far Away Eyes", also by The Stones. If he can do something even approaching like that, he's got a shot and we're in for a treat.

p.s. I suppose this spells the death nell for "Rocks II".
March 14, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
. . . pet toys and a reality show aren't far behind. Making a brand sticky require a whole hell of a lot that is icky. Part of that has to be a bid to stay relevant in places where you might--just might--gain traction when your traditional base is flagging and the re-invention gimmick doesn't seem to be working.

Heck, just ask KISS. Hell, just ask Momorio Clover Z. More to the point, ask Ron Keel (which is different than the Crue endorsing a countrified-version of their music, even though it does orbit the same dying star-like cluster of fading fame).

Country? No problem with it at all, even if it isn't my go to genre. Saw Charlie Pride as a kid, listened to Hank Williams as a result. My mom liked the ORBs. Enjoyed some of the cross-over stuff from Cash and still do. Also agree with Gary that bands like Skynyrd brought a Southern flair and appeal to a larger base. Thought Sturgill Simpson's album from last year--as my "end of the year" list pointed out--was stellar.

Like I said a few weeks ago, Tyler has the ability to still make an album that his fans want. He just doesn't seem to want to do that. Best case? This is like Cornell's Timberland-inspired dalliance with the outer edges of his realm (rock and grunge). Worst case? See implied reference to Michaels above.

I just hope he calls in _Back in the Saddle for the First Time_.
March 15, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterHim
I dont know much about country, some big stars that are know all around the world, but in the UK, never really became mainstream. But this caught my ear earlier on this year. Country covering rock? Worked for me tbh.
March 15, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterJerr
Modern country is a joke. It's all formulated bullshit. There's a guy out there who meshed four recent radio country songs together and it sounded the same. Uncreative. The only good modern country I can get into is zac brown. Stop it Steven.....
March 18, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterDj

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