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Farewell A.J. Pero

Wow, this is a shocker. A.J. Pero, drummer of Twisted Sister, has died. He was 55. No other details have been released.

Reader Comments (25)

As hilarious as it all may be, I, of all people, gotta call Bullsh*t! ALL of your opinions matter!

Otherwise, what a boring world this would be.

What matters even more is the valuable info EVERYBODY shares here and, as some will adamantly attest, though I may have seen many a band point blank, one thing I obviously lack is a lot of the trivia you guys have many times shared and even more valuably, been fortunate to have also lived!

Thank your Lucky Rockstars! Love the stories! Keep 'em comin'. And Keep on ROCKIN'!

p.s. Hey, Bob, see you shouted out Philly. Did you ever catch Cinderella with the earlier line-ups? Musta been killer. Also, I just unearthed the "Long Cold Winter" Sessions with Cozy Powell on YouTube. SO killer, listening to all the instrumental tracks which reveal what a genius Kiefer truly is!
March 24, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Cool positive spin you gave on things Metalboy!

Believe it or not, I don't hate you Ace...I just find your negative attitude to be really annoying...maybe if I knew what bands you actually liked it would better help me understand your point of view. Your posts usually leave me with a feeling of disgust for all things glam if you are "better than this" & also that whatever you say has to be & is always right.

BUT...I gotta give it up to you cause whatever it is you are doing, it works like crazy cause lots of people here (for some reason?) love to read what you have to in the end (while I'm not a fan of needless negativity) that's cool, I guess???

I've always thought of glam metal as being very fun music but you give off a feeling of anger & resentment towards it!
I don't baffle me dude...I just get the impression from you that you like very little if anything at all about glam metal.

Really the most shocking thing to me is that nobody else has brought this up before me!
I mean you post on this site all the time & every post from you gives me the same negative vibe.

Oh well, whatever nevermind!
March 24, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterJakki Steal
Jakki! Ace lived it! Knows Motley for life and most of the other characters on the Strip back in the heyday and they know him. Their all Brothers in Axes, and, by that, I mean the B.C. Rich quadruple pronged purple metal flake kind.

The guy lived it, side by side and has the evidence to prove it. I think what you're missing, Jakki, if I may, is Ace's hilarious sense of humor. Love it or hate it, Ace calls a spade a spade his way, if you will.

Everyone's got their take. His just happens to be a helluva lot funnier than most, including mine!
March 25, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
MB!, my good sir, I'll be honest -- I was a little late to the Cinderella party. I caught them for the first time in '85 in a little place in South Jersey called the Galaxy Club. I don't remember if those two guys who left to form Britny Fox were still in the band or not.

The Philly/South Jersey scene was pretty odd in the 80s. there was definitely a thriving club scene with lots of local bands, but the so-called glam bands didn't get much attention. Cinderella played week after week at the Galaxy, and a place right in Philly called the Empire. WMMR which was, and still is, the big rock radio station in town, completely ignored them. to put this into prospective, WMMR used to broadcast live concerts all the time from local clubs, but they didn't broadcast a glam band show until around '88 when they finally did one for Heaven's Edge. It's a wonder any glam band made it out of Philly given how little support they received from local media.

One band from that area that I thought had promise was Teeze. they had a cool sleazy sound and catchy tunes, but again, they got no support from rock radio. In fact, they were more popular in Europe than they were in their own back yard.

Bringing this back around to Twisted Sister, there is no doubt that they absolutely did it the hard way, but they were fortunate to at least have the support of local rock radio. That was the difference between the Philly and Long Island scenes. If Twisted Sister was doing a show at Hammerheads, more often than not, it was a pretty safe bet that either WLIR or WBAB was broadcasting it live. that, in part, helped them to cast their net wider than just Long Island.
March 25, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterBob
Interesting as hell, Bob! And ready for this?... I got all the Teeze stuff including a boot DVD. They were hilarious! Ridiculous about Cinderella getting ignored. Do you remember seeing Britny Fox? That must have been large when they first hit the scene! p.s. Heaven's Edge is killer. Got all their stuff, too!
March 25, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!

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