I Wonder If A Van Halen Tour Is Really Happening?

Lots of rumors about Van Halen hitting the road, but no real concrete info from the band, but that isn't shocking I suppose.
Looks legit. MT @unchained84: According To This #VanHalen in Concert Sep 27 in Phoenix.
— Van Halen Rising (@GregRenoff) March 6, 2015
It makes sense for Van Halen to tour and support their upcoming new release of Tokyo Dome: Live In Concert.
Reader Comments (11)
It'd be nice though.
After seeing that job he did at Grohl's Birthday in L.A., I would definitely catch them if they hit Tampa or Orlando.
But worst album? Come on now, bkallday, seriously? Worse than _VHIII_? Than _Balance_? Ace is right. It isn't a creative masterpiece on par with their classic stuff (even if it is filled with classic stuff rejiggered). But did anyone expect that good of an album out of this band at this point in their career?
I know that "Tattoo" splits even dedicated DLR-era fans. But I enjoyed it from the first listen. It suggests DLR singing/speaking in a key that fits what he is capable of these days. The banter/patter style has always been part of his arsenal. He should lean on that more, not less.
I'd also like to see Anthony back in the fold after the way they treated him for respecting his friendship with Hagar (not that the brothers have ever been about treating their band-mates well). But if the stories are true, this is the Faustian bargain we get: classic era band where dad wants to play with his kid. I accept the deal for what it is and am glad that Anthony is carving out his niche, his way, away from all the static and animosity . . . and not doing the "spurned lover" routine that Hagar seems to recycle every time he is asked about his former band. Yes, he is full-well allowed to answer the questions any way he sees fit. But it starts to seem clingy and back-handed at the same time.
All I really want at this point is for DLR to release the damn solo material that he worked on with John 5. Goofy stage presence (like Wes Borland with a fear of commitment to the act of acting odd), but absolute wizard on the guitar. And Lowery's work on the _DLR Band_ album was impressive.
It was an excellent interview and I suggest y'all find yous a copy. It deeply touched me as he explained that if jimi hendrix, janis joplin and/or (my interpretation) jim morrison knew back then what he [Dylan] knew, they might still be with us. spiritually, they are.
It probably won't see the light of day as long as I'm going to guess DLR is under contract or knows better to not release any solo material while Van Halen is back together with him as the singer.