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I'll Just Sip Tea

No comments from me. I'll just be in the corner, sipping a cup of tea, side-eye ready to go. Discuss.

Reader Comments (7)

My guess is all he has to do is look in a mirror to see the reason why...
April 28, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterGary
April 28, 2017 | Unregistered Commenteroper8n
@oper8n. LMFAO!!!! That covers it!!!
April 28, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterGary
FACEPALM... evidently, Baz has never had to put up with someone as childish, arrogant, & egomaniacal as himself. He just doesn't understand how NOT worth it is for the other band members... He's toxic to be around.
April 28, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterAce Steele
Why on earth would anybody want a Skid Row Reunion to take place???

Sebastian's solo stuff is 15x better than anything that the "new" Skid Row (Sans Sebastian Bach) (mess of a band) could ever come up with.

I don't fu(king care what "Dave the Snake Sabo" is up to???
Seriously, that's like worrying about what Joey Allen from Warrant is doing these days!

Sebastian Bach (love him or hate a fucking legend!)
Nobody else from Skid Row can fucking sit on his level!
End of story!
April 28, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterJakki Steal
I'm a bit unclear regarding your thoughts on the matter.
April 29, 2017 | Unregistered Commenteroper8n
A Skid Row reunion would be cool and all but I agree with Jakki,
Sebastian's last few solo albums have all been fucking killer and he's got a great backing band, those albums are far better than any of the new Skid Row efforts (in my opinion) and he plays the Skid Row hits live AND was the voice of the classic band that people remember them as anyways.
It would be cool to see a reunion just to say that the original Skid Row is still around and from a fans perspective, but both sides seem to be happy so I'll take Bach solo.
May 2, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterDj

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