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Sammy Hagar Welcomes Bret Michaels To 'Rock & Roll Road Trip'

Last night, I caught the premiere of the Sammy Hagar's Rock & Roll Road Trip with Bret Michaels. Each week, Sammy visits one of his rock friends and they play music, bullshit and act stupid. Basically, it's a brilliant show.

Last night, Bret explained his thought process behind writing "Every Rose Has Its Thorn" and more. Sammy grabbed his guitar and played along and it was great hearing such an accomplished musician duo on the track. Sammy also rightly said the song could be a hit today - but it would be a country song. Plus, the guys got in a dune buggy and played some more music (video below). The show is good fun and I recommend it. The program airs on AXS TV.

Poison - Every Rose Has Its Thorn (2003 - Remaster)

Reader Comments (9)

Sammy is right, Every Rose would be a huge hit today, but in reality it would as a country song. I might have to check this show out.
June 11, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterDj
They advertised this was on before the concert in Cincinnati last night. I will try to check it out when I can. Here's a summary of the Cincinnati show.

The concert was great, but man, Bret gets on my nerves. He had name-checked Cincinnati already 6 times before and during the first song, and if it was a drinking game, we would have been dead by the time it was over. Plus he's still introducing songs as "Poison's" whatever song, which is just strange. And then after Fallen Angel he says they're playing "nothing but hits" the rest of the night, but there were only 2 songs + encore left, so really only two of their hits.

Bret's a caricature of himself, but all that said, the band sounded tight, looked great, and Bret's voice was holding up quite nicely. I was a bit bummed they dropped "I won't forget you" and "Cry Tough" which they played only the first show this tour, but I knew it wasn't gonna happen as it's been the same setlist now for a few weeks. I don't understand why you would drop those songs, but have 5+ minute solo's and close with a cover of KISS "Rock and Roll all Night". It's been debated to death on this forum before.

Cheap Trick was all allright. The only problem is I think 99% of the audience only knew the last 4 songs, but those are all classics. And I wonder if Rick is having health issues because he normally whips out his 5-neck guitar during Surrender, but only put it on for the last 10 seconds of the song this time. Maybe it's just getting too damn heavy to carry for a whole song?

Finally, it was a very impressive crowd for a Sunday night, the covered area was basically sold out, and the lawn was pretty full as well, though the $25 tickets probably helped. They're doing something right, and just given the fact they're one of the very few remaining 80's bands with all original members, they deserve a ton of kudos for that. And I don't think Cheap Trick or Pop Evil are really helping the ticket sales all that much, this was definitely a Poison crowd.
June 11, 2018 | Unregistered Commentersteverox
Since I'm a big Sammy fan, I've watched every episode of this show since it's inception in 2016. They're worth watching just for the inevitable jam at the end. Check out the one wfrom season 1, with Tommy Lee and Mikey Anthony, where, they rip up Montrose's Rock Candy. It freaking smoked.
June 11, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterGary
Thanks for the review, steverox. Nicely balanced take on what sounds like a great night overall. I hope more people post reviews like this.

Quick takes from that clip: the mini-cart/ATV sing-a-long made me cringe. As did BM saying the band has been together "for thirty years." Well, yes, technically (and initially with another "original" guitarist). But there certainly have been some lulls in the band's career! I wonder why? Thank goodness all the "ego" goes away once they can finally nail you down for a tour. Now how about an album? I will say this though: Hagar didn't sound half bad singing.

Gary, I wish I enjoyed Hagar more. I really do. There is just something . . . I suspect I hold deep resentment at his stint in VH. I dunno. Just something. Still wouldn't mind sharing a drink and hearing some stories though. So there is hope I guess. Not that he would give a frog's fart who I was! Nor should he. Perhaps I will give this show a shot, given that I respect your opinion, Gary.
June 12, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterHim
To get @Him. Thanks for that sentiment at the end there bud! Believe me that gate swings both ways, as I value your opinions aIso (along with everyone else’s that comes through here)
PS. I’ve been trying to get my wife to pay attention to any of my opinions for 30 years now. 😂👍
June 13, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterGary
Isn't that the great thing, Gary? This is really a community (small though it might be). We take the starch out of each other, we critique each other's positions, we have a laugh or two at the expense of our favorites bands/artists. But we still find time to share our opinions and, for the most part, give them a fair hearing when they are offered up to us. And even our most ribald jabs at the bands/artists come from a place of love.

I really can't fathom writing on another site. More to the point, I read the other sites for entertainment. I rarely give a second thought to what they suggest. And therein lies the beauty of what Allyson has created. A (largely) self-regulated bunch of music lovers, sharing the love with each other. Never ceases to please or amaze me. Allyson can never retire!
June 13, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterHim
this show looks so awesome, but my stupid cable company puts Axs Tv in the very top tier of service which I would never pay for in a million years. How is this show not on Netflix? Anyway, I wholeheartedly agree with what my compadres have already said about BBG. This is the only music-related site I read every day, and certainly the only one that I ever write anything on. Most of the time, the comments here are interesting to read, and come from a genuine love of music. I feel like we should all band together and do our own show on the SiriusXM Volume channel. We'd be huge! :)
June 13, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterBob
Bob, I would recommend KODI and/or a Matricom box . . . but that is pushing the boundaries of illegality. Perhaps there is an app for that, so to speak.

I like your idea, too. Along with Ace's book (I would/have volunteer[ed] to help), I think a book by all of us would be an interesting read. And our station could suggest that "On BBG! you are always ten seconds to love . . . of all things metal!"

In honor of your idea, Bob, I will suggest something to Allyson: why not pitch a book to Bazillion Points? I would handle the heavy lifting (if and as she wanted, given that she is busy), she would get us all through the door. Then, all of us, would be responsible for providing some memories and reflections on the music we love. I think a BBG! branded book would do the world a lot of good. And it would draw more people to this site. Obviously, we would have to do more to police the trolls and keep out the knuckle draggers.

What say you, Allyson?
June 14, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Stole your song, grol...and sang it today. thank you for the inspiration, the feelings and the willingness to continue on. I hope I did a good job.
June 14, 2018 | Unregistered Commenterfletch

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