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Axl Rose and Steven Mnuchin Spar On Twitter

Picture it, America, 2020: it is the middle of the night during a global pandemic. America has, by far, the most COVID-19 cases and deaths of any other country in the world. The economy is off the rails and 30 million Americans suddenly find themselves out of work. The news is full of stories of previously employed folks now choosing between paying rent or eating and buying medicine. Amidst this backdrop, the Treasury Secretary of the United States Steven Mnuchin gets into a Twitter spat with one Axl Rose.

It happened folks. See thread from this AP reporter below:

Running Against the Devil: A Plot to Save America from Trump--and Democrats from Themselves


America's own Treasury Secretary used the wrong flag to dunk on Axl. You cannot make this stuff up!

Axl has done way more for America (and probably Liberia!) than Mnuchin could ever hope to achieve! Think of all the happiness Axl has brought us with his music. Our lives would not be the same without Appetite for Destruction. You know I'm right on that point.

There was no context to Axl's original Tweet. My guess is he was watching news coverage of America circling the drain and felt compelled to speak. Axl does not tweet all that often. Still he has no problem blasting the Trump Administration when he does find time to jump on social media.



Here's one more tweet about this for my friends who are news geeks like myself. I chuckled pretty hard at this one. This is peak Twitter - two memes in one!


Reader Comments (21)

Too funny, Boyz!

Couldn’t BBG! Comments be considered Social Media?

If so, I’m on Social Media ... If not, I’m not!
May 11, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!

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