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So W.A.S.P. Is Going On Tour

W.A.S.P. is a band I've never seen live. They were supposed to play Rocklahoma in 2007 but canceled the appearance.

W.A.S.P. is going on tour to celebrate its 40th anniversary and the shows will begin in Italy, weave through Europe and eventually hit the United States. All the dates are at the link below. Of course, this isn't exactly W.A.S.P. It's more like the Blackie Lawless show, but that is a different post.

Reader Comments (7)

Saw WASP 5 times! Kicked ass every time!!!! I really hope this hits the states!
October 26, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterJack T. Ripper
“we’ll see,” says America.
October 27, 2021 | Unregistered Commenterstu
Hmm . . . I dunno. WASP was perfect for awhile. And Lawless is a great singer and songwriter. But he seems like a person no one should work with. I recall Ace sending me a beautiful picture of Lawless, lounging by a pool, back in the day. He had the chance to be somebody. And he was, sorta'. But he seems like a Citizen Kane figure, troubled enough by his past, confused about his present, and seeking some sort of new angle that gives him a future. I guess he would say: "Roseblood."

He cancels more concerts than he actually attends. He lost the many creative people who added to the mix he created. And he turned his back on his contrivances (I mean, the spectacle! the songs!) that made him seem dangerous and interesting back in the day.

That he did so for religious reasons is fine by me. That is his choice. I respect it. So what am I to make of this announcement? Where does Blackie stand now? And why does he stand there?

I am guessing I know where he stands and why. But that is just a guess. I also think that he is a victim of his own provocations, a genius/talent who has pushed himself into corners that he found creative . . . and then found that they closed in on him, again and again. To borrow a few lyrics: the torture never stops. Here again, though, these were his choices. His actions. His career.

So now he has the career that he has. Was it the one he wanted? I don't think so. Was it the one I wanted? Certainly not. Then again, I had no impact on where he landed. And, to be fair, I don't think anyone else did either.

I hope those that go to these shows actually get to _see_ a show. I also hope that, in this late stage of his career, Lawless can find a way to repay fans who gave him what he got, defended him when he ducked, and occasionally tuned in when he offered us all something a bit less than what we thought.

Who knows? This is Lawless. He is a force--creative and destructive in equal measures--unto himself. He can avoid the mirror. He can avoid us. But he can't take back what he did and what he has become (and I don't think he really wants to do so). So where does that leave a once great metal trouble-maker nearing the end of the line? Again, who knows?
October 28, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim
@ him … I like your posts Brother! I highly recommend the book WASP … Sting in the tail. It’s well done and I think you will love it. I actually had the pleasure of meeting Blackie after a show in NY a few years back. It was right around the time Babylon was released. Being a fellow Christian we spoke about how he would no longer sing certain songs in his large catalog that make him feel “ Dirty” . His words. He was a very gracious and seemed happy and at peace with his life. I hope you go see him 1 last time if he keeps any US dates he books.
October 28, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterJack T. Ripper
Thanks for the recommendation. I am waist-deep in other rock books I bought but have yet to read. But I will add that to my list of future purchases! Problem is, I don't really do e-books and the costs I am seeing for the hardcover are way too high!!! And I also see there are some bootleg pdfs floating around. But, on principle, I won't do that. The author Upton deserves my money.

Glad to hear that your meeting with him went so well. I always wanted to meet him. I find Lawless fascinating, and frustrating. I think he has siloed himself over the years. Which is a shame given all the talents that he has (that voice, his ability to write lyrics). I suppose it helps that you two could break bread on your common religious ground. Thanks for sharing.

Me? If he came anywhere close, I would probably go. Like I intimated in my last post, I think there were several years there where he was doing incredible work, of the low ("Animal") and high (_Headless Children) brow sorts! My last opportunity to see him was in Pittsburgh back in the early-2000s. Thing is, ahem, he cancelled.
October 29, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Oh, the comedy both in the Post & Comments …

I saw WASP or what’s left of it (that is, if it’s still the same line-up) a few years back at M3 … It was pretty damn good except for the “30 Years of WASP” (or whenever the h*ll it was) banner and videos and photos of the band through all of it’s permutations showing behind the band as they played.

Better to just go out there and blow the audience away without the visual nostalgia trip which screams, “Remember Me?”, rather than “REMEMBER ME!” by putting on a killer show alone.
October 31, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Lucky, Ripper, you saw them 5 times …

What years did you see them.
October 31, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!

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