'Metal Edge' Magazine Returns

Metal Edge was always my favorite music magazine as a teenager. The mag was filled with photos and short bits about our favorite bands plus longer features too. It ceased printed publication many years ago - now the magazine is coming back in online form. It may go to print again in the future. Metal Edge also has an online store now. The first offering is a limited edition Motley Crue record (see below).
Metal Edge

Reader Comments (4)
The store? Hmm. A lot of merch from other vendors, so I am not sure why I would go there when I can go to Super7 or Funko or the publishers of all the books. And the shirts look like they are straight off the Hot Topic rack! Hard pass.
And, if they do go into print, they need to be able to compete with all the online stuff, no less Fistful of Metal and Rock Candy out of the UK if they want my dollars. God knows they got them when I was younger!
Jack, I know of which you speak!!! Youth is a funny thing, ain't it?
Speaking of which, when are they gonna resuscitate RIP? Hit Parader? Circus? Hopefully, when they do (and someone has got to be thinking about it), they will have more of an 'edge' to their launch. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't fool it into thinking you are doing much more than selling tap and calling it spring!