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News Of The Week Roundup: Week 47, 2021

Hanukkah starts to tonight - Chag Sameach to our Jewish friends!

I've had a nice day, watching my Cincinnati Bengals absolutely destroy the Pittsburgh Steelers. The news of the past week was dominated by the Thanksgiving holiday, the Ahmaud Arbery verdict and a scary new COVID variant.


All three men accused of killing black jogger Ahmaud Arbery were found guilty last week. The case was pretty cut and dry - the three white men basically followed Arbery and gunned him down in some weird vigilante justice sort of way. The convicted men face federal charges for the killing early next year.



The new variant of COVID-19 is called Omicron. The World Health Organization marked it as a variant of concern. Omicron was discovered in South Africa. There is still so much not known about the variant, but it is pretty clear is has spread further than most hoped - especially in the UK. Travel restrictions are starting up again and America will bar travelers from many South African nations starting tomorrow. Canada, the UK, Australia, Israel and many more are doing the same. Seems like the best things people can do is get the vaccine and stay away from big crowds and mask when around a lot of people.



Lots of smash and grab crime at high end stores the past week, especially in California. The thieves apparently really like to strike high-end designers for handbags. I've mentioned before I have a bag fetish so this has interested me enough to follow closely. Stealing infuriates me. Of course, grabbing a loaf of bead to feed your kids is one thing. Nabbing a $4,000 purse is quite another. Of course, these groups are not "randoms" - it is all organized crime. I suppose all the high-end merchandise ends up immediately on reseller web sites. Thing is, bags from places like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Prada, Fendi and the like all are basically microchipped now. All the wares will be reported stolen, so dealers like The Real Real won't touch the stuff.



And speaking of The Real Real, a shopping trend that is taking off is buying resale, which I love. I prefer ThredUp personally because it is cheaper - but this is great to see. Consider secondhand this holiday season. It's good for the earth and your wallet! I try to not buy anything new clothing-wise anymore. There is so much good stuff out there with lots of life left that should not be in a landfill. 


And I leave you with this little nugget of music news:


Reader Comments (10)

Many see Banning travel from South Africa as being a Proactive move by President Biden. It is completely Racist!!!! That’s what Ex Vice President Biden said about Trump when he did exactly the same thing. Let’s call a Spade a Spade. Total Hypocrisy from our Lame stream Media!
November 29, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterKevon
November 30, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterJack T. Ripper
I met and had shots with Nita Strauss on the MORC. She was very sweet. Awesome that she is getting the recognition she deserves.
November 30, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterJack T. Ripper
In February 2020, then-candidate/basement dweller Joe Biden tweeted, “Trump further diminished the U.S. in the eyes of the world by expanding his travel ban. This new ‘African Ban,’ is designed to make it harder for black and brown people to immigrate to the United States. It’s a disgrace, and we cannot let him succeed.”

His then-running-mate Kamala Harris echoed this sentiment and wrote, “Trump’s extended un-American travel ban undermines our nation’s core values. It is clearly driven by hate, not security.”

Irony ? Hypocrisy ? Not sure what it is, but downright laughable.

I believe the puppet on the right is who I align my beliefs with, I believe the puppet on the left is who I align my beliefs with... hey... wait a minute there is one guy holding up both puppets.
November 30, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterGNR
@GNR 👌🏻
November 30, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterJack T. Ripper
Kevon, do you study the dark art of not-subtle rhetoric? I mean, come on!?!? Just say what you are thinking. Little tip: using up-caps doesn't hide your point (wink, wink). It telegraphs it!

My only observation, and it is sorta' political, is this: I think using Sharpton as a talking-point is bad journalism and bad optics. There are better ways to tell that story, even if others disagree. But using Sharpton just fuels the fire for those who hate him (and his side of the political coin) while it makes those fighting for the things he 'speaks to' into talking points that obscure the logic behind the overall issue at hand.

Let me make my point sarcastically:

Him: "Wash your hands."

You: "Why?"

Him: "Because it is hygienic."

You: "Really? Who told you that?"

Him: "The crazy guy on the street corner that bats at birds that aren't there."

My point: good advice; wrong messenger. Don't crowd out good outcomes by allowing bad actors to steal the spotlight.
December 2, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Him…. I said Exactly what I mean. Biden and Harris are complete Fu@king Hypocrites and our Media lie and cover up for them.
December 2, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterKevon
You sure did, Kevon. You sure did. Keep on keeping on. You be you. Him be Him. All is, well, America (see what I did there?).

And thanks for more up-caps. I often have a hard time hearing what I am reading (given that I love LSD).

By the way (I know, I know, I shouldn't do this): who is _your_ media? If you state that it is _our_ media, you take in quite a few types of outlets. And I suspect that _our_ media differ in some small-ish ways, Kevon. Just saying, and asking.

After all, I am Him. I like a good CONVERS@TION!!! Sorry. Didn't mean to yell. And I woke up the people in the other tent. Damnation!
December 3, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Him… Up caps work for me, it expresses my frustration of This ADMINISTRATION and their INCOMPETENCE. It helping you hear 👂🏿 while you read is a sweet bonus. Everyone has their thing, for instance you seem to love to underscore your possessive pronouns. _YOUR_ media and mine are one and the same if you reside in _OUR_ United States.
December 4, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterKevon
Well played, Kevon. Well played. You give as good as you get. And I underscore because it is a type-setting (admittedly, antiquated) substitute for italics, something I can't do on this forum.

My larger point was a simple one (and I think you know that): media is plural. And, regardless your take on this or that event, we can all agree that people tend to gravitate to specific outlets for their news. Nothing (necessarily) wrong with that. Nor am I implying that you do that. Perhaps, like me, you like to wander around a bit and sample from most of what is out there. So I am still not sure if we agree or disagree on my point; namely, that, though we both reside in the good ole' US of A, that doesn't mean that we necessarily consume the same news content. And I think we are both smart enough to know that the tilt or spin of said content can vary, often widely and wildly. Which is why I wander around a bit.

A year or so ago, I came across this quotation in _Time_ (see? I am doing it again), one that basically riffs of the old John Stuart Mill truth that "“He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that":

". . . what gives me a really bad feeling is when I’m reading an article and I start violently agreeing and feeling good about the fact that this person thinks the same as me. That’s incredibly comforting, but the first thing you should do in those circumstances is go and find an article espousing exactly the opposite point of view. I think there’s something about disciplining yourself into finding both sides of the argument, and avoiding the echo chamber. I think we should be training ourselves, training our kids. It should be part of our daily lives."--Sir Alex Younger, former-MI6 Chief, 21 Oct. 2020.

I like that sentiment. It makes sense to me. Though he is right. It takes discipline. Perhaps you agree too.

Wishing you well, Kevon. Appreciate the reply.
December 5, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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