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Caption This Photo From Eddie Trunk

Broadcaster Eddie Trunk shared a photo of himself with Vince Neil and Sammy Hagar on Friday night. The duo did a private event together. What is Eddie doing here?!?

Reader Comments (16)

Ii assume that was a rhetorical question, Allyson. Obviously, whoever threw this private shin-dig had extra quarters in their couch cushions to spend on Trunk as the emcee. I see he even pulled out his nice cargo shorts!

But your caption idea got my creative juices flowing. How about:

4 Non Blondes?

Lanyard Trees: Always classing up the background!

Hair (Metal) Club for Men?

Why is there a cat cage on the floor? Or is that a pizza warmer?

Quick! Whose cup is a different color?

Puzzle-piece flooring: Now at Home Depot!

Pictured, from left to right: Gary Shandling, Mel Brooks, Sandra Bernhard, and a past-his-prime MacGyver!

Have a good Sunday everyone.
August 8, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Great attention to details Him Lol. Eddie is thinking “I can’t believe I make excellent coin doing this stuff!” He has carved a niche for himself. Kudos
August 8, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterKixchix
Your last caption takes the cake, HIM!

Mine is not nearly as funny, if it is indeed, funny at all …

“What’s wrong with this picture?”

Aside from all the obvious things that are wrong with each of these individuals, what’s really wrong is Eddie Chump himself, a no-talent persona non grata baboon, uh, I mean, baffoon, who literally inserts himself into every situation, case in point, this image right here, which he is obviously photobombing as no one bothered to ask this clown to pose with these “Icons of Hair Metal”. I can say this because I’ve had many conversations with Chump on MORC’s and at M3. What a maroon!

The other thing that’s really wrong with this picture is the boxed tequila, which I assume is one of Hagar’s “premium” (reality check: White Label) “brands”. Nothing like breaking out the good stuff for esteemed guests.

I await with baited breath a truly funny caption from our beloved “Funny Gary”, one of THE Funniest People On Earth (and I’ve met a few - Chris Farley, Woody Allen, Tommy Smothers, Adam Sandler, David Spade, Jerry Seinfeld, Jack Klugman, Tony Randall, Soupy Sales, Bozo The Clown, Emmit Kelly, Michael Keaton, Alec Baldwin, Burgess Meredith, Dan Rowan and Dick Martin - Okay, I admit, Farley was the only actually funny guy I’ve met out of that lot, though Smothers and Randall were quite funny when I met them - I mean like Jonathan Winters level “funny” - completely bonkers).

And I’m not waiting for the other Gary’s caption because he’s NOT funny, in the least - unless he comes up with something.

But, to be honest, neither did I, so WTH … I will leave you with this - Only Rock & Roll could celebrate 4 Ghoulish Looking Old Fat F*cks like these guys. How do I dare say this? … Because I’ve become one myself!

Let’s blame the pandemic!
August 8, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
😂. I met Eddie at a NJ Nets game. He was a nice dude ( to me ). Everyone gets Old but don’t blame the Plandemic for letting Yourself become a Fat F@ck. It was the perfect time to train and eat well. Your body can be transformed very quickly with Discipline and Desire. Rock on 🤘🏿
August 8, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterJack T. Ripper
Oh, he’s a nice dude, Jack, for a self-absorbed star fawning hack who photobombs these clowns.
August 8, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
MB. Eddie has credentials. I met him a couple of times in the mid nineties when he was paying his dues. Keep in mind at that time no one knew our music would have a revival and that you could make a very good living using social media to make money pumping all the crap we ultimately pay for. He has been on the scene for decades. His “Rolodex” is chock full of A-list rock stars. He exploits the music for what 90% of people in music exploit it for…. BUSINESS. SiriusXM let’s him have a “follow me and my exploits” advertising session for 2 hours every day.

Looks like a fun job to me.
August 8, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterKixchix
Damn metalBoy you seem to have a lot of hostility towards Trunk. Did he steal your girl and kick sand in your face at the beach?
August 8, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterJack T. Ripper
Haha!!, Jack …

One only needs to watch episodes of “That Metal Show” to know EXACTLY what Chump is - A Poseur!

And, speaking of “not funny”, nor are his sidekick as*clowns, Florentine and Jamison.

These people are simply hangers-on, not actual Rock Cognoscenti.

Say whatever you want about Rikki Rachtman, he was someone who actually LIVED it as Taime Downe’s roommate and co-owner of the Cathouse and thusly qualified to be the host of Headbanger’s Ball.

Chump was the wrong guy in right place at the right time when he crossed over onto TV. Now, the reason he survives is because he can book bands and a big reason why the festivals he promotes and mc’s are so mediocre now.

One thing I will give ol’ Chumpy Wumpy - He clearly booked UFO on one of The Cruises which proved to be huge …

So, that I will give him. His outsized ego, I will NOT!
August 8, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Doh! …

MORCs, not MCs …

Frickin’ Autocorrect!
August 8, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
😝 Or could it be……. He stole the tater tots off your plate and administered many a Swirly to you back in the day? 😂
August 8, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterJack T. Ripper
Is that really "boxed " tequila ? Or an illusion ? Santo, drinking what Sammy and Guy Fieri like 👍
August 8, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterGNR
I’m aware, Kixchix … I’ve even had drinks with this nerdclown on several MORCs. The only dues he ever paid are his annual Nerd Card payments.

Who needs a self important nerd hosting a Rock & Roll event.

Yeah, I get he can book acts but stay off the stage.

My new caption for the photo: “You know it’s bad when these clowns are laughing at YOU!”

Ripper - It’s so funny how you have to resort to making it personal about me … This has nothing to do with me or who I am … It has to do with Eddie Chump being an arrogant, ill-informed, no-talent bore who pretends to be something he’s not.
August 9, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
In order:

Acceptance, denial, bargaining and depression
August 9, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterGogmagog
Kixchix: trust me, from all the prescribed books that I read, Dana Strum is saying, "I brought this together".

Can't blame him.

He's not posing.
August 9, 2021 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
Vince is actually looking kind of trim there. good for him.
August 9, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterRita
metal Toy …. Seems to me you are extremely Jealous of Trunk. It’s ok buddy, everybody is special in their own way!
August 9, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterJack T. Ripper

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