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WASP Wednesday - Tour Announcement

Holy cow, WASP is going on tour in America and Armored Saint will provide support. The tour starts in October, so this is a really early announcement. WASP hasn't toured the U.S. in a decade. No clue about ticket sales or pricing yet. Below is a promo video for the tour, narrated by WASP singer Blackie Lawless himself.

Reader Comments (15)

Hell Yea!!!!!!! Ripper will Not miss this. Definitely hitting 3 shows on this Tour.
January 13, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterJack T. Ripper
Hmmmm . . . I have mixed feelings about this. I really wish Ace still posted here.

WASP, in their prime, were magical. Lawless is an amazing composer. A unique singer. The stage show back in the day was icing on the sick cake.

But . . .

Lawless also seems to be a narcissist and a recluse, a person torn between being the 'guy' and being 'who he is' (whatever that means, from decade to decade). He also made some interesting choices over the years, alienating fans, gaining new ones, and also squeezing out 'classic' members who were, well, shall we say, an interesting group of people! It's his show now. But his show really doesn't gain much traction these days. So change up the show and promise to be all the things you had forsaken? Again, interesting.

And Lawless is also fragile. He cancels shows at the drop of a codpiece. He won't sing some songs because he is against them. Then he isn't. Then he is. And now he promises a return to the former glory days of the 'raw meat' locker and such? At the same time, late-stage Lawless still remains erudite. He seems to be somewhat aware of the place he placed himself. I certainly have issues with some of his ideas. But I don't begrudge him his opinions. Still, that isn't the same thing as checking a box and trying to travel back to the mid-80s (while retooling songs you had in the hopper for years before . . . again, I wish Ace was here).

This screams (until you like it) of a last attempt at getting some acknowledgment, and some money. It is, to my mind, a nostalgic cash grab in the US . . . after he burned a lot of bridges here and couldn't make money touring here (hence, Europe). After THC (the album, not the chemical), his output has been spotty at best. An acquired taste. I think he really wants the adulation that came with giving the fans what they wanted. But I also think that he is doing that now because he doesn't have a lot of other options (even his website has changed shape and looks paltry, if more professional, that the previous iterations).

I actually see Lawless as a tragic figure. So talented, so interesting, so conflicted . . . and, yet, so unaware that he lost a lot of fire trying to please himself and his fans, all while trying to figure out who he was . . . after he shot sparks from his nether-regions! Tough act to follow. Tough act to recapture.

Two of these shows come close to me. Will I go? Maybe. But I won't go expecting what once was. And I sorta' wish Lawless wasn't in a position to promise that. Because that is exactly the sort of shilling that he never had to make . . . if he had been honest with the fans and been, perhaps, more honest with himself.
January 13, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim
I agree with Him that this tour is a long way off and can be cancelled 5x over by November. If it happens, I'm in! I saw them at the Limelight in NYC with Every Mother's Nightmare as direct support for $10 in 1992. The Crimson Idol was only available then as an import. Awesome show. I'll be hitting the LI or NJ date. A retro show will be awesome. Armored Saint is a bonus!
January 13, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterSparkyDR99
Note to self: look up "erudite"
January 13, 2022 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
January 13, 2022 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
Agreed, Sparky, Armored Saint is a bonus. Another reason to go. And I suspect they won't be using the canned vocals/backing tapes that Lawless has leaned on time and again in recent years. Bush and the guys still bring it. And I envy you, Sparky. Would have been great to see WASP back in 1992, or earlier. My one chance to see them, in Pittsburgh in 2003 or thereabouts, was . . . canceled. Well, that isn't entirely true. I also had a chance to see them at the Cow Palace way back in 86. But, dumb young punk that I was, I couldn't find a ride!

Nice to see/read you, Fletch. Yes, erudite. The world is a many-splendored thing, filled with words both large and small, poignant, pointed, and occasionally plain. You always paint with the brush you are given. But, as luck would have it, you can acquire a new one with which to dabble.
January 14, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Never seen wasp. LOVE Saint!!! That’s why I’ll probably go. Blackie hasn’t given us much advance notice though….. ha ha. Over 10 months away. Blackie seems like a douche but I love a few songs. Maybe I’ll mock him between songs for using backing tracks for his vocals. Free speech right? Can’t believe it’s been over 10 years since I have seen Armored Saint. Wonder what they’ll be like. Back then (we were old) they still had grit and intensity. Hope it still is there.
January 14, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterKixchix
I never did see WASP back in the olden days, so this looks like a fun opportunity! Yeah, I know not to expect circa 1986, but I'm holding out hope for at least a fun night. And floor/GA tix were only $34.50 (plus $800 in fees of course!). Picked them up this morning for the Wellmont Theater in Montclair, NJ. It's only 5 minutes from my house and a pretty cool venue. Just saw In This Moment there a couple months ago. Talk about a theatrical show!
January 14, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterEddieLongHair
That Steve Duren is a well oiled machine. And Eddie Trunk's interview proves Eddie is a Douche.

I'll see Eddie at Sammy's Vegas stint. Not.

RokIsland:can we get a better host, than this sycophant.
January 14, 2022 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
Metalboy! Am I now allowed to bring my foster children to this event, or do I need to keep showing up.

Don't get me started on a motley Crue narrative

Little boy, that just ain't right.
January 14, 2022 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
January 14, 2022 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
I saw Wasp back in 92, at Bogarts in Cincy, on their Crimson Idol tour. They killed it of course. Say what you will about ol Blackie but the old codger’s still got it! 🤘🏼
January 14, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterBkallday
You are lucky, Bkallday. I envy you. Who opened?
January 15, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Tbh Him, I don’t even remember but I still have that shirt and rock it from time to time!
January 16, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterBkallday
That's awesome, Bkallday. Again, I still envy you!!!
January 17, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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