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The Best Videos Of 1989 - 'Poison'

Picture it: summer, 1989. You have a new boombox and are looking at Tower Records for a new cassette. Alice Cooper is on top of the world with his new album Trash.

"Poison" becomes a huge single of the album - and for Cooper's career, period. The big-budget video is so 80s with big hair, black leather, chains, a hot girl and even steamier guitarists. "Poison" is my favorite Alice song - sorry not sorry!

Reader Comments (3)

while i’m glad this song gave the coop a boost, it never did much for me. the video was cool though, for all the reasons allyson pointed out.
October 11, 2022 | Unregistered Commenterstu
Allyson, you're not alone. This is also my favorite Alice song.

A lot of that is just the time it came out. I was 17 years old and the song hit all my sweet spots in terms of music. Throw in a couple of pretty amazing memories that I associate with it and you've got a song that's pretty tough to beat.
October 11, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterBryon
Yes, he got a shot in the arm with this version of Alice. And I know this version is loved here. Me? I like it. Love it? Not really. And you know how I go on about how great Alice was and still is.

For me, this version of Alice is nothing compared to his earlier stuff. Heck, I even prefer his version of "I'm Always Chasing Rainbows" to this era of Alice.

But, he figured it out. He leaned into the trends, made his amends, and turned into a metal legend (no, I was not aiming for rhyme). And he made new fans. Can't fault him. Never do. The guy went from dangerous, drunk (and other things!), and damaged to dignified, dramatic, and desired. Well done, Alice. Well done. And you are still doing it!
October 13, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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