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The Best Videos Of 1989 - 'Love In An Elevator' 

Aerosmith released Pump in 1989. Fresh off the back of Permanent Vacation, their successful comeback was cemented in platinum.

"Love In An Elevator" was the first single from Pump - and the video is just glorious. It was directed by Marty Callner, who also did all the famous clips from the Get A Grip album that feature actress Alicia Silverstone. (Callner was a longtime Aerosmith partner - directing something like 13 videos in all for the band back when MTV was big). When you basically have an unlimited budget, you can produce some great video concepts.

Pump is when Aerosmith really became a music video juggernaut and started releasing some truly legendary clips. One of my favorite Aerosmith videos has always been for "Elevator." I always thought all the members of the band looked extra engaged in this clip - like they were truly having fun during the filming. Plus there's Brandi Brandt as the elevator operator, some dogs, a fake cat, a super tall person, a little person, circus performers and an extra-ripped and tan Joe Perry. What's not to like?

"Kiss your sassafras!"

Reader Comments (1)

There is a timeless (if inadvertent) truth buried in Allyson's appraisal: "Pump is when Aerosmith really became a music video juggernaut and started releasing some truly legendary clips," Let that sink in.

Now take that same quote and revise it by removing/adding a few words: "_ALBUM NAME HERE_ is when Aerosmith really became a music juggernaut and started releasing some truly legendary albums."

Methinks that these two paths don't cross. Just saying.
October 15, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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