Michigan Teen Who Loves Glam Featured On Local News Report

So this is a cool story I happened upon by accident: a teenager named Caden Pickering is obsessed with shredding guitar solos by our Glam heroes, especially Slash. He learned to play the guitar a few years ago and apparently practices hours every day. Now he is in a cover band called Ride The Wind, a Poison cover band.
The other members of the band are much older than Pickering.
I have a good feeling about this guitar wiz. He's going to grow up and create a massive metal band, I just know it. Who knows - maybe someday I will get to see Caden in Ride The Wind, too!
Reader Comments (1)
That said, not sure where Caden will go. We all know the ropes. We all know the challenges. Even if this is a brief moment in his life, cool that he shared it with the world. And he has something to take away from it that many (not all) of us don't. Ride that wind for all it's worth, Caden. Ride it!