Conquer Divide - 'Atonement'

It's been awhile since I was really excited after hearing a song for the first time. Today, Octane premiered the latest track by all-female outfit Conquer Divide. Yes, they are metalcore. Longtime readers know I love my metalcore like I love my glam. I was so smitten with the song, I took a picture of my radio display so I could look it up again once I got home. I never mess with my phone while driving, so that is serious business for me.
The song is officially "released" next week but Octane, on SiriusXM, got it early for their Women in Rock celebration - as part of women's history month. Conquer Divide has been around since 2013. The band is on tour now with Attack Attack, another one of my faves. "Atonement" has a spot on my running playlist for sure.
Conquer Divide

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