Not The Onion, But Totally Ridiculous

Hinckley covers songs by artists like Elvis and does originals too. He was released from prison in 2016. He should still be in prison, but that's just my cold, dark heart talking.
John Hinckley Jr., who attempted to assassinate then-President Ronald Reagan in 1981, is trying his luck at a music career after being released from over three decades of confinement in psychiatric care, booking his first gig this summer in Bushwick.
— Brooklyn Paper (@brooklynpaper) April 11, 2022
Brooklyn's Market Hotel defends John Hinckley Jr. booking
— Stereogum (@stereogum) April 11, 2022
Reader Comments (1)
So what does the guy that tried to impress Foster do with his life? Hmm. Difficult one. Work at Subway? Drive for Uber? Crawl in a hole? I mean, he makes a bit of a living (how much?) off his notoriety. And, clearly, a venue and some fans(?) want to book and see this. Me? Not so much.
But what happens when you have served your time? Are you expected to disappear? At the same time, again, how are you going to integrate back into society on some level? I dunno. I guess if making music brings him joy and others want to support it, who am I to complain?
The justice system is often not fair, nor blind. And once you are free, society at large often doesn't abide by what that same system decides. So, in a certain sense, I feel for Hinckley. And that in no way mitigates against what he did (as his is a clear case of doing what he did, being judged incompetent, being denied parole several times, etc.).. However, he did his time. So now what?
Let me put it this way: I feel better about people going to see him perform than I do about people buying JWG's clown art.